Anti-Israel Protester Self-Immolate Outside White House (Jazz Shaw/HotAir) Main Linkmemeorandum Permalink


Var det like mye protester nÄr kong Olav fikk sin sarkofag?


Det det er bullshit. De sier det, men det er protester hver gang, uansett. Og aldri noe forslag til nÄr. Elbilforeningen er endel av problemet. MÄ finne meg en annen lÞsning pÄ veihjelp sÄ jeg kan melde meg ut. Maken til reaksjonÊrt skvip.


@trtworld: Pro-Israel demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestine protester in the German capital Berlin, violently ripping her keffiyeh off her head before slamming her to the ground


ireland seems like a deeply antisemitic country

This is just so sad. An Israeli woman, Clara Mendez McConnon, who is married to an Irish man went to a hospital in Dublin to prepare for a C Section.

"One of the doctors that came in for the consultation decided to completely and utterly smash into me with her political views. This was my doctor and I was in a high-stress environment. I demanded that she be removed from the team and I received an apology letter from the hospital."
McConnon said she had long been a protester against
she said.
"One of the doctors that came in for the consultation decided to completely and utterly smash into me with her political views. This was my doctor and I was in a high-stress environment.
I demanded that she be removed from the team and I received an apology letter from the hospital."
McConnon said she had long been a protester against the Israeli government but was still proud to be an Israeli. "I don't agree with [Binyamin] Netanyahu and with the current"
Edward Burke on Twitter, who shared this story:
Her son, aged seven, was bullied by his teammates and the coach at their GAA club for being Israeli. We need to be better than this as a society.

Our local jail was ruled unconstitutionally cruel & unusual in 2022 and like 6 people have died in it this year alone and the plan is to build a new $360M jail 3x bigger and let the same exact people run it and fill it up with us and if u protest it, FWPD will shoot you in the face then blame u


People are setting themselves on fire over this Dems, would that any of you ever gave that much of a fuck about anything but your careers......


Antagligen inte, dÄ hade Lindberg snarare skrivit nÄt om hur "det inte var lÀge" och hur det "legitimiserar NSDAP-regeringens auktoritÀra sÀkerhetspolitik". För likt alla andra liberaler sÄ Àr Lindberg helt besatt av tanken pÄ "civiliserade protester" som den enda legitima formen av protest.


Man kan tycka att det Àr förkastligt att slunga legymer pÄ politiker, men att kalla det vÄld bidrar till att flytta grÀnsen för vad som anses som vÄld, och i förlÀngningen vad som Àr acceptabelt. I lÀngden blir normala protester inte lÀngre okej. Vi Àr pÄ vÀg dit redan.


Today we watched activists in Chicago face off with police. Returned home to edit & check updates on more bombings. Tonight is yet another night of terrors in Gaza—and Lebanon. As we write this, people are bleeding, dying, being crushed by rubble. There is no end in sight.

Protester in headscarf detained by CPD
Protester on small bicycle with sign with image of net and it says NET A YAHOO
Protesters flanked by CPD bike team on one side of fence, high speed traffic on LSD on the other
Officer filming protesters