Now that school is in full swing, here are some tips for all you students who want not only to write well but also write extra super gooder than before! #write#writer#writing#well#good#school#tip#tips#protip#protips#writingtips#funny#humor#Monday#MondayMotivation#MotivationMonday


PROTIPS: If possible, try not to have to promote a big new book within two weeks of a deadline for another big book. I shall be a ghost soon.


Protips: If you buy more things, the shipping doesn't go up until you need another box. And Abi is very friendly/accommodating. I get nothing out of this endorsement save appreciation from a long distance friend. Don't even get discounts 💜


here are a few more Fredo's protips: Check the alt-text for more jokez

Here's one of uncle sam talking to a doctor and he's saying "i've had this scar for 10 year and it STILL hurts" and he's opening his jacket to reveal "9-11" just written on his fucking chest.  Bravo, A+ stuff, truly a poignant 10 year reminder of the pain of 9-11
Here's one of just a detailed close up picture of uncle same, tears streaming down his face, holding a little memorial candle, and the candle says "Sept 11" on it - wow some very remarkable stuff, really enjoying the deep symbolism on display here
This one is brutal because it's from a comic I like!  Mother Goose & Grimm.  Mother Goose (who is like an anthropomorphic crotchety old goose lady) is saying "I was just thinking of all those brave heroes who lost their lives on 9/11. to her dog. Then there's a frame of them just sitting there to I guess highlight the heaviness of the moment (lmao) followed by a panel where grimm (the dog) has a little thought bubble that says "Dogs can sense fear....but we also know courage".  Wow, very deep stuff
Here's one that says "Americans in uniform standing tall until the very end" and there's a fireman and a cop kind of vaguely in the shape of a heart holding a body of someone that died in the wreckage and they're like, screaming towards the sky in anguish - It is obviously not meant to be funny but it also is very obviously funny

"How will you stop the war in Ukraine?" "I'll talk to them." #diplomacy#protips#debate


Because there's been a huge influx of new Brazilian users, I'm being extra careful. But protips, new users: - Change your avatar pic. - Post something. Anything. - Engage with people. Just reskeeting others isn't providing value. There's no algorithm like that. - Have a profile. - Don't be a bot.