Very insightful mini-chat with Mike Lamb about Renegade. Sprites all pre-shifted for walk cycles, but auto-scrolled to next character block so that the fight moves don't need to be. All 8 sprites processed/drawn in one loop (Jeez!) Standard background rectangle copy/paste for pixel clearing.


i have obtained the most dynamic of all action figures - a little rectangle

a hand holding Transformers Studio Series Steeljaw

I can't conform to trending ideas of what makes a story sell. My brain isn't built for it & I tired of trying. So I'm leaning hard into writing what I would want to read instead. (Re: white text on black I can read in the dark so black on white IS TOO BRIGHT ARGH. Narrowed margins for Bluesky pic.)

Screengrab of downsized manuscript text in a tall narrow rectangle. The background is black and the text is white, single spaced, and indented. The text: "Remember, remember, the fifth of November!" crowds chant across London as fireworks EXPLODE above the River Thames in celebration of — wait!!! I sense a feeling of bewilderment coming over you. Yes, you: my reader, my listener, my brailler, my telepath, my audience.
You're thinking, "Why is this story being told in present tense, why are there DRAMATICALLY CAPITALIZED WORDS, and why is the narrator breaking the fourth wall?! That's not how stories are done!"
I'm the narrator - hellooo - and there's one tiny thing you need to know about me, which is that I'm an unreliable narrator: you cannot rely on me to tell this tale in lifeless, linear monotone. This is an adventure! Filled with action! Violence!! Magic!!! Smoookin' hotties!!!! And dragonsssss.

too tired to write and the idea of turning a light on to crochet makes me ill so i am instead lying here with the psychic damage death rectangle that is believe it or not giving me psychic damage


New art! Trying things, illustrating moments from a story that’s only in my head. #darkart#horrorart#horrorillustration#horror#oc#monstercharacter#monster#creepy

On a black background, on a smaller red rectangle, a woman with dark green skin is holding the head of a man in her arms.   Only the bottom half of her face is visible. She is smiling. The head she is holding has blue hair, pale sickly skin, and golden horns emerge from behind his skull. His facial expression is vacant, he seems dead.
Close-up from the previous picture. Details of the face of the man with blue hair.

I bought some pretty scarves. help, how do I style these things? most of ones I bought are of the "big rectangle" type. lolz, i'm good at fashun wurds.


I can empathize that git does not make sense for a lot of people, but in my head I just see the tree view from tortoisegit on windows a decade ago with commit dots on colored lines, and little rectangle markers for branch tips and tags, and it all makes such clear sense, even tho I use bare CLI now.


we've been having decent luck thrifting but it's tough. h&m and uniqlo were mainstays but for the past 2 years it's felt like all their clothes are designed with the idea of making your silhouette as close to a rectangle as possible


It asks the question "what if batman thought a silhouette of a bat was just a big rectangle?"


The boob has had a glow up.