i basically never play the religious angle in paradox games (and i'm not really very good at the games to begin with) so i have absolutely no idea how to do this lol


See this is why I rush religious reformation and allow myself concubines.


Plenty of immigrants are religious and/or socially conservative and will happily vote for a conservative party that isn't wildly racist against them.


The second guy convince people to stay loyal to the first leader despite the corruption. He quotes Christ and aligns himself with religious beliefs, to control people, as they trust him based on religious or moral principles, not realizing that he’s lying about his righteousness. Revelations 13:18

a group of men are standing in front of a sign that says complex
a group of men are standing in front of a sign that says complex

Alt: JD Vance tries to shake hands but is refused by good men


this same very smart OSint poster put up a picture of Israel on fire as the result of Hezbollah attacks. Except it was actually a picture of Lag Ba'omer celebrations (a holiday where religious Jews burn bonfires).


“I dranken some of the flood water and it tastes okay to me, it smells better than I do, too. Can’t wait to build a bunch of religious schools out here with taxpayer money!”

Governor Bill Lee, stankass

People begin to worship him, saying, "Who is like him? Who can stand against him?" He’s lying about his righteousness. His agenda is anti-divine—he opposes the values of truth, justice, and faith. His actions are blasphemous, though he pretends to be religious to further his political goals.

a man in a suit and tie is standing in front of a building with a sign .
a man in a suit and tie is standing in front of a building with a sign .

Alt: Trump holds up a bible


Since Donold is doing the religious thing again... He is claiming to be the saviour and the new Christ. Let look at the bible's prediction of an anti-Christ. (Revelation 13:1-18) There are TWO beasts, The Beast from the Sea and then along comes the Beast from the Earth. Let's break it down.

a man in a gold suit is sitting in front of a wall of skulls
a man in a gold suit is sitting in front of a wall of skulls

Alt: The Anti-Christ sits on a throne of gold


wondering if there's a religious correlation as well. there have been big incursions into Latin America from the evangelicals; dunno if it's true here as well.