I have thought a bit more about this and honestly it would probably become a bit problematic (lack of appropriate cultural representation, stereotypes etc) but if they found a way to do it, it would be cool lol


We disentangled the effects of hot temperatures and high vapor pressure deficits using creative model experiments to separate out the role of processes and uncertainty in process representation using two land surface models.


It's much easier to vote as an expat than it ever was in the US. I've already turned in my ballot and confirmed its receipt. Also I get to vote for Arlington (MA) town and state races b/c it was my last voting address. I have more political representation than anyone in DC or PR. Just absurd.


Yes please! That's a major takeaway of a chapter I'm writing/editing now on 250 years of party change on democracy -- representation & rights by race, sex, class, nativity, religion, disability, ...


Not to be insincere—not to anybody specific—when I have reviewed multiple South Asian developed/focused games alongside done work for multiple big publications on SA representation—I should be one reached out to review Unknown 9, and not me having to email everybody as usual.


And this one from BAND-MAID is a strong representation of their normal Japanese style tracks.

BAND-MAID / Protect You (Official Music Video)
BAND-MAID / Protect You (Official Music Video)

YouTube video by BAND-MAID


Sinon à propos de lutter contre l'extrême-droite, avec des stratégies totalement inefficaces qui ont porté LR au pouvoir plutôt qu'une gauche dans l'échec, on en parle du NFP 1° groupe parlementaire, LR à 39 sièges, LREM qui perd 82 sièges ?

Graphe de la composition de l'Assemblée nationale française. On y voit la représentation graphique des divers groupes, ainsi qu'une comparaison avec l'Assemblée sortante. Par ordre décroissant de sièges (entre crochets la législature précédente):
- Nouveau Front Populaire et alliés 187 [149]
- Camp présidentiel (Ensemble!, Horizons) 159 [250]
- Rassemblement National et alliés 142 [88]
- Les Républicains 39 [61]
- Divers droite 27 [0]
- Autres (droite) 17 [29]
- Autre gauche 6 [0]

Ce qui donne si on additionne: 
- droite 225 ; gauche 193 ; extrême-droite 159 si on considère les macronistes, divers droite et LR comme de droite, ou:
- gauche 193 ; centre 159 ; extrême-droite 159 ; droite 66 si on considère les macronistes comme du centre et LR comme de droite, ou:
‐ extrême-droite 198 ; gauche 193 ; droite 186 si on considère les macronistes et divers droite comme de droite, LR, RN et autres comme d'extrême-droite 

La réalité doit se trouver quelque part entre ces différents spectres

I'm so very in favor of celebrating tragedies that conservatives experience but "red areas" are a farce. How myopic can they be to ignore the rampant disenfranchisement? Or even if it was an accurate representation, that would still mean there are SOME innocents there. It's chilling.


mennonites complain about lack of representation on twitch


Actually, Baphomet, wasn’t a representation of Satan but rather I’m sorry, for whose benefit are you speaking?