

I wrote a comment on an article in JAMA

Two important aspects have unfortunately not been covered: Aerosols, and long term health hazards apart from Long COVID. 

An Italian study showed a reduction of COVID-19 by 82.5% with powerful air filters alone! * 
The fact that most hospitals and healthcare settings do not control aerosols is simply inexcusable. 

And then there are dire signs of potential long term health hazards to be expected from SARS-CoV-2: We now know that “COVID-19 is a disease that has an acute and chronic phase. Both phases can be asymptomatic or symptomatic. In the chronic phase, commonly known as Long COVID, many more people than those who exhibit symptoms of Long COVID, or perhaps everyone who has been infected by COVID-19, is on the same spectrum of T cell activation and may share as yet undiscovered characteristics of viral persistence or immune dysfunction, regardless of whether they experience Long COVID symptoms or not.” **
A Brazilian study demonstrated visual constructive deficits in 26% after mild COVID-19 (compared to only 6% without COVID-19), along with elevated markers for neurodegenerative illnesses and changes in structural MRI and 18FDG-PET. *** 

Health care professionals have a crucial role not only in protecting your patients, but also as role models. “It’s almost like controlling infections in hospitals would challenge the comforting narrative that constant COVID reinfection is just dandy for your health. So we pretend it’s 2019. We pretend COVID is a cold. And our collective fantasy of “normality” continues to sicken and kill those who seek care.“ ****
* Increasing ventilation reduces SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission in schools: a retrospective cohort study in Italy’s Marche region Luca Ricolfia, Luca Stabilec, Lidia Morawskad, Giorgio Buonannoc 


 *** de Paula JJ, Paiva RERP, Souza-Silva NG, et al. Selective visuoconstructional impairment following mild COVID-19 with inflammatory and neuroimaging correlation findings. Mol Psychiatry. 2023;28(2):553-563. doi:10.1038/s41380-022-01632-5 

 **** Hospitals are killing patients because they don't feel like doing infection control. We now know COVID is fully airborne. We also know how to control airborne disease. So why are vulnerable people still dying of hospital-acquired COVID?

Studie: nach mildem Verlauf konnten 26 % Figur nicht abzeichnen (6 % ohne COVID). Ausserdem Veränderungen in Bildgebung und Neurodegenerative Marker ⬆️. de Paula JJ, Paiva RERP, Souza-Silva NG, et al.… 2/2