The Colonnade of St. Peter's, Rome, during the Conclave

Hubert Robert studied and worked in Italy from 1754–65. Upon returning to Paris, he entered the Royal Academy as an architectural painter and full member in 1766. His time in Italy would prove to be influential and classical architectural subjects would dominate his subsequent oeuvre. <em>Interior of the Colonnade of St. Peter's</em> is based on a drawing dated 1758, the same year that Pope Clement XIII Rezzonico was elected. Given his interest in classical subjects, Robert has antiquated his subject by aging the condition of the columns and including a soldier dressed in ancient Roman armor. Similarly, Robert imaginatively portrays the Grotto of Posillipo. Measuring over 2000 feet in length, this tunnel was carved from the volcanic rock by ancient Romans to connect Naples with Pozzuoli. While this passageway was improved by repaving and reinforcing the arches during the reign of Charles III of Naples (1734–59), this structure was never the grand tunnel Robert depicts with coffered vaults and engaged columns.

Playing “we didn’t start the fire” by Billy Joel while Rome burns


I really do wonder what will happen to REF 2029. The worse the situation gets without any real state intervention the more REF will just be ignored by the bulk of universities. Bureaucrats and managers gaming for REF 2029 feels like fiddling while Rome burns.


Rome *loved* absorbing cultures and adopting or adapting what was useful to them. It was their whole thing. You can't be an empire and not do that.


Almost ready for a talk on technology and human freedom - in marvellous surroundings in Rome. "Resistance is futile?", I ask, and link it to technological change and human agency. Looking very much forward to a great day of talks and discussion.


Only 2 days into Rome so far and made such amazing food worth dying for!


Op 30 september 1794 wordt Carl Joseph Begas geboren. Rond 1820 studeert hij in Parijs en aansluitend reist hij naar Rome, waar hij zich aansluit bij de Nazarener. Hij combineert in zijn portretten diverse stijlen en ontwikkelt zich tot een overgangsfiguur van de romantiek naar het realisme. #otd