Päivää myöhässä mutta pakko viskata tännekin heti

An open spread from the comic zine Kamu by the artist Käenretale, which features several panels of of two troll friends inked in black and white. In the background there is a small print of an owl, a sticker of a black cat and another with several skulls on it. 

The comic is in Finnish (English in brackets below) and shows Oksa, a fluffy haired troll, receiving a curled stick from Nuppu, a troll with long straight hair.
Nuppu: “Se on siulle” (It’s for you)
Oksa: ”Etkö sie haluu tätä?” (Don’t you want it?)
Nuppu: ”Keräsin polttopuita, ja löysin sen keskeltä polkua. Ajattelin heti siuta! Voisit vaikka kaivertaa siihen jotain?” (I was collecting firewood and found it in the middle of the path. I thought of you right away! You could carve something into it?)

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