I started working on this illustration when my ex pled guilty in court. Even if I will always carry with me what he did, it no longer holds me hostage. #illustration#sasurvivor#dvsurvivor#art#justice

A partially done digital illustration and sketch. It is composed of only two colours, red and black. Along the top there are 3 images depicted in a semi realistic style. The first image is of a large black snake coiled around a red rabbit, strangling it. The second image to the right of that is of a red wolf with a black snake dead in its bite. the snakes tail woven between the wolf's feet. The wolf is an imposing figure with its head held low and eyes focused directly forward. The third image is of a red woman wearing a black snake skin purse and boots. She is casually dressed otherwise but holds her head high. Below these central images is a sketch spanning across the image depicting a skeletal black snake with its jaws open around a red rabbit skull. Red rabbit pawprints then lead to the wolf skull, then wolf pawprints to the human skull, and human foot step prints off the right side of the page. Below that motif is a caption in black at the bottom of the image that reads "EVOLVING PREY" in all caps. The illustration symbolized the growth of one being in red from being helpless prey to becoming powerful and self actualized. Meanwhile the other being symbolized with the snake is shown slowly losing it's intimidating hold over the red being. #art
A close up of the snake strangling the rabbit from the prior image. This illustration is the one part of the prior illustration that is fully rendered. The snake is drawn in black digital ink with individually rendered scale and a rattle at the end of its tail. It looks down at the rabbit in its grasp, jaws open menacingly and eyes an empty white. The red rabbit's arms are oustretched against the snake, struggling against it to no avail, its eyes squeezed shut and small mouth open in a silent cry. #art

It's something that's been said and done before about the queer community and about many other marginalized groups and I hope you won't fall for it. #casurvivor #sasurvivor #childabusesurvivor #childhoodtorturesurvivor #2slgbtqiaplus #queertok #traumatok