tap ower tail A cowpit intae howe daurkness becam ma ain licht #Scotstober#tap#WritingCommunity#poetry#haiku


Boak The verra thocht o haein tae swally onythin cauld an raw like a soused herrin fair gies me the boak. Ah ken if it went doon ma gullet it wid cam straicht back up! @creativescots @scotslanguage #scotstober


…It wis the smells – the burnt spun-sugar, iley flattened girse the reek-boak fae their caravans; canvas creakin as the nicht daurkened an the bricht lichts o the hale carnival birled aboon ma heid, lik jewels… —Sheila Templeton, “Dumfoonert” in Songs of Other Places: NWS 32 #Scotstober#boak


It gies me the boak, ilka time whance A think o the ill pairt A've been throu. A hae tae face it, but, gin A weesh tae heal. It needs tae lea the seestem, sae thare will be space fer the guid in life. A feel it an lat gae fer guid. Ane breith at a time. #Scotstober#boak


Clype: Naebody likes a clype! A tell tale tit. A bodie gaein ahint yer back tae tell oan ye an get ye intae trouble. @creativescots @scotslanguage #scotstober


#scotstober catch-up. Day 3 - noo - now. ah hae tint thi mune an its story in doctors an lesson plans noo clutherin ah mind


Ay, we aften tell oorselves a clype aboot whit the warld is - whit we weesh it tae be. Wi 'at we gie awa oor pouer, but. An this farrach A need tae heal, an creaut a life wirth leevin. #Scotstober#clype


Haar Gaein oot oan a dreich day whan thirs a smoky haar hingin ower aathin, it haes the feelin o bein skelpit roon the heid wi a cauld wet cloot. #scotstober @creativescots @scotslanguage


Frae muckle warld tae muckle warld, bairnie tae mither, spicket tae syver, onding tae quernstane, sae Scotlaun’s fowk, skailt fraa ae haar or ither intil a sheuch descreives them as her ain. —Kate Armstrong, “This is the Laund”


#scotstober Day 4 - haar - a sea fog memories hingin oan lik a haar saft an law oer thi gairden