Meerut Meerut, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is a city steeped in history and cultural significance. Its origins date back to ancient times, with references in Hindu scriptures and historical texts.


Meerut Meerut, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, is a city steeped in history and cultural significance. Its origins date back to ancient times, wi


Off-Script October is going to be awesome! Dr. Jacqueline Hidalgo is holding it down, leading our conversation on "Studying Scriptures, Studying Latina/o/es in the US." Learn more about this online discussion here.


Off-Script is a monthly Zoom conversation for graduate students and scholars interested in the critical comparative study of scriptures. Think of it as a get-together for our subfield to conne…


on Christian faith, private abuse, and public policy, in The Cut today - an excerpt from my book Wild Faith:

Corporal punishment is legal in schools in 17 states, and approximately 160,000 children are subjected to it every year. In many of these states, parents must sign consent forms signaling their willingness to have their children spanked by strangers with hands or wooden paddles - absent the child's input about their own body.
The regularity and implacability of physical punishment are two features that abuse survivors remember keenly. "I was young, probably around age 4, and I remember this experience very clearly yet remember almost nothing else from that age," Mary, age 30, wrote to me. "We had been out in public. I'm pretty sure that the initial infraction was I started crying when my dad went to zip up my coat. ... By the time we got home the punishment being dealt was 100 hits without any pants or underwear. My dad didn't skip a single one. I just remember hearing my own screaming and wondering if it would ever end."
The belief that obedience to God requires doing violence to children continues to shape American public policy toward children, including in public schools. In March 2023, the Oklahoma legislature was presented with a bill that would have outlawed the physical punishment of disabled students, including slapping, spanking, and paddling. One Republican legislator, Jim Olsen, presented a fierce mien on the statehouse floor as he advocated against the statute. "God's word is higher than all the so-called experts," he said. "Several Scriptures could be read here.
Let me read just one, Proverbs 29: 'The rod and reproof give wisdom, but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. So that would seem to endorse the use of corporal punishment." The bill to protect disabled children failed, 45-43.

There is a distinct difference between Christians and followers of Christ.

Love your neighbor.
Feed the poor.
Heal the sick.
Welcome the stranger.

There's nothing Republican Christians hate more than the teachings of jesus.
The reader board in front of First Methodist Church which reads: stop walking around with a mouthful of scriptures and a heart full of hate.

Bold enterprise to create new world view with prophecies I encrypt in grand scriptures conspires to energize my global plot to design framework for conceptual order based on respect of universal law that ensures equal justice for each person.


Mythological scriptures have a habit of being tf magnets especially when you let your tf happy friend read them XD Just be careful when he turns around, I forget if Oreo is snep brained enough to try and catch a thunderbird. (Feat. )


I'm thinking the constitution might be a better reference these days than "the scriptures," whichever they may be.


Remember the scriptures every time you see the professional pundits pontificate

A man stands in the shadows in a parking garage. Caption reads "The truth is these are not very bright guys"

Tonight in #DnD#TTRPG


A lot of the same notes get sounded when you suggest to a Biblical literalist that there’s other ways to read the Scriptures