There’s a Seasnake riding Seasmoke? How long did GRRM spend on this draft


The Sea Creature of the Day is a crocheted Ace Sea Snake who loves to play games! 🐍 Befriend the ace characters of

Photo of a crocheted sea snake in black, grey, white and purple, next to a purple d20 die, on a brown towel that reminds of a sandy beach, with dark fabric around it that looks like dried algae.
Photo of a crocheted sea snake in black, grey, white and purple, on a brown towel that reminds of a sandy beach, with dark fabric around it that looks like dried algae.

Im Wettlauf nach unten wird vielseitig Menschenfeindlichkeit trainiert. Wenn nun nicht mehr durch Unterlassen, sondern aktiv gemordet wird für den Wohlstand der Reichen und das keinen mehr juckt, dauert es nicht mehr lang und Frontex wird mit SEASNAKE o.ä. bewaffnet und geht direkt auf Jagd im Meer.

europäische Grenztruppen ermorden Menschen im Meer
EU finanziert Mord in der Wüste
Deutschland bildet offenbar Todesschwadronen mit aus
AA spricht selbst von KZ-ähnlichen Verhältnissen...durch die EU und Deutschland finanziert....zur Abwehr von Hilfssuchenden ....2017

...oh no, she hot Working on the pose and scene setup for the Sea Queen and. Oof. I'm pan when it comes to giant monsters that can crush you, too, it seems. There's a bunch of refinements left to do here but She Big 💜 #WIP#3DArt#Mermay#Seasnake

A low-res screenshot (if you clicked this on desktop I'm So Sorry), showing a cyan sea-queen looming over you. The scene is under water but incomplete, and she's clearly larger than the sunken ship she's settled upon. Her right arm is upraised as she looks down at you - in invite or judgement, it's not clear. The sea bed rises behind her but fragments out into missing backdrop, as the scene is a WIP.

My craziness is continuing. I turned

A doodle of ZaGorudan's OC, Stephy, as a mosasaur mermaid. She is in a hoodie resembling the Toho kaiju, Titanosaurus. Her mosasaur tail is colors a dark teal with light blue stripes, and has an segmented underbelly like a snake's. She is in a cute roaring pose, albeit with an embarrassed smile.