I've always had a sedentary lifestyle, but it's gotten particularly bad these past few years with the pandemic and my focus on computer animation. My weight has been stable for a while, but I'm starting to feel weak. Spindly. Like my flesh hangs slack, and my heart struggles. Sweeping is activity.


since i'm misogynism posting this AM: in the past 2 decades a bunch of somewhat febrile men sat down at keyboards to make insane money doing what is essentially sedentary knowledge work and, unsatisfied with slowly accruing male status points, variously got into masculine cosplay or anti-feminism


A lot of federal land is unfit for mass sedentary human habitation for a variety of reasons, and honestly that’s WHY it is federal land!


Tell me Bluesky, what's wrong with this claim?

"This book is called The walking larder because the provision of food is
by far the most important function of animals in all human societies, and
while they are alive the animals are almost always on the move. Like
wolves, humans roam over huge home ranges; they must have protein to eat
but they are compulsive travellers who are always searching to widen their
territories and find new resources. Wild animals are followed
and hunted; domestic animals are driven along with their human owners as a store of meat on the hoof, indeed as livestock. There are, of course, sedentary
populations of humans and animals, as are discussed in this book. Sloan
(Ch. 27) describes the exploitation of shellfish in northern Europe during
the Mesolithic, and suggests that the abundance of food available from this
source enabled settlements to survive in one place for very long periods. A
similar argument is put forward by Spennemann (Ch. 28) for prehistoric settlement on Tonga in the Pacific..."

Thank you. Yes, a more sedentary place of life is nice. More control over one’s life!


But if we take into account works like that of James Scott,are nomadic people more resistant to the dominance of sedentary people?in the USA,one of the sources of conflict with the indigenous people of the plains was that the white americans were farmers while the nations were nomadic-hunters.


When even being fit and healthy don't help, and you wind up in the same place as more sedentary folks


It’s made a big difference for me. My natural levels were crazy low when I was heavy and sedentary 13 years ago. It has helped with mood and depression.


The hustle/electric slide is only sedentary if you have no imagination


THE hilarious name of the world's most sedentary dance that closely resembles standing in line at the bank