Fascinated by these flag iris seedpods. Not entirely sure I've ever paid them much attention before now.


This is a trend I think but I will forget if I don't just post it so here’s a smol collection of videogames that changed my life a little bit, just the pics

A screenshot of a 2d game with a tiny character next to a frog (mid hop) half her height in the middle of the screen. The scene is tinted a shadowy cobalt blue and appears like a damp cave-like corridor, stretching straight across the screen from left to right with pitch black above and below. Various formations appear somewhat at random in the background. The character and frog are standing on a section of floor that appears to be supported by trestle across a hollow spot beneath it. The mood of the scene is lonely and dim but still thriving.
A screenshot of a 2d game. The scene is lightly tinted yellow and blue, filling much of the screen with some areas of pitch black. The whole background is awash in verdant backlit plants, giving the effect of a jungle on a sunny morning. The navigable space surrounds a central chunk and continues off the screen upward vertically, left over small obstacles, and to the right. The mood of the scene is bright and safe, like a shady spot in a humid greenhouse or arboretum.
A screenshot of a 2d game, with two tiny characters facing each other and a large colorful dialog box (blue gradiating into red-orange and slightly transparent) in the middle of the screen. The scene is mostly set by gray hazy light between pitch black cave walls, ornamented with large rocks, and depicts a thin, vertical shaft from the bottom to the top of the screen with an open space to the left and an open space slightly lower to the right, each with a simple rectangular flat black building with little gold windows set into it. A flat color portrait of the character on the left appears in the top left corner of the dialog box next to the name Joshua. The text reads, “Five hundred years ago, the humans fought a war on the surface. Well, it was more of a global extinction event.”
A screenshot of a 2d game with a tiny character mid-jump. A wide path chunkily squiggles across the scene from the lower left to the middle right. A conspicuous overhang juts into the middle of the navigable space and a smaller vertical shaft is visible at the top of the screen. The background is fairly brightly lit and festooned with enormous watermelons, very large grapes, giant roots, oversized berries, behemoth seedpods, gargantuan worksheets and monumental chunks of ginger. A tiny little beaked red pebble-like beastie is seen in the lower left and another in green is hiding near the middle.

I found an old brush pen so it's not *just* ballpoint! First drawing of the month

A pen drawing of a cat sleeping in a garden, shaded with blue ink. To the left is a wall with vines crawling over it, to the right is a tree with hanging leaves and seedpods, in the background is tall grass and a picket fence, and the cat is in the center surrounded by bushes and tall but wilting flowers.

Baneberry or sarashina-shoma (Cimicifuga simplex). The flowers that harbored various insects are coming to end and are turning into seed pods. Young shoots of this plant can be eaten, but I haven't tried them yet. Sugadaira Kogen, Ueda, Nagano #Plants#植物

Close-up of the seedpod of baneberry. They are short, green bean pods with striations and brown tails on the end.
Baneberry plant. The remnants of the white flower that looks like bottle cleaner brush are visible. One plant has turned into bluster of green seedpods. Jagged, parsley like leaves are also characteristic.

oh you're doing a pod cast? that's so cool, can i suck your di– wait what are you doing with that microphone. i thought you were going to cast seedpods i to the ground. the fuck do MEAN you're "not a bean farmer",


Also grabbed a few of the seedpods (I think these qualify as berries?), so maybe you'll see some Lantana flowers in the plant log one day...


"It leaves the memory of fun I took in destroying perfectly made things: mailing bubbles, green fronds stripped of their stems, sturdy cardboard boxes, seedpods that fell like helicopters, a fully bloomed dandelion..." —Stephanie Sauer


This is probably the last magnolia flower of the season, as our magnolias are winding down their growth for the fall. There are plenty of big red seedpods forming where they bloomed earlier.🌱 #FlowerReport


Today's run was torture, its only redeeming quality the fact that it's now over. Mimosa trees suddenly bearing seedpods, crows busy harvesting acorns in another park, jasmine bushes wringing the dregs of summer heat, an elderly poodle watching me with interest as I ran by.


Rosebay Willowherb #Wildflowerhour#Seedheads 🌱🌿

Fireweed plant, long thin seedpods have explosively unfurled to revel the white fluffy payload within