Went to the Isle of Skye then name back and made a piece of art. This was June 2020. #art#selfexpression#artmadewithcomputers not ai.


I am always happy with my first draft… …but never satisfied. (Excerpt from Tomorrow: I’ll be inspired. Reflections on muse-free creativity.)

Handwritten first-draft copy from my new book

If the AI model was trained on Reddit data, run, do not walk, away from it. Reddit was overrun for the better part of a decade by trolls, trolling to hurt others. Looking for easy ego boosts. Do not cede your selfexpression to a Reddit trained AI


Our hands are a symbol of action, survival, and expression. Just as our ancestors left their marks on cave walls, we continue to express our existence through creativity. How do you express your unique presence in the world today? #ArtHistory#CaveArt#SelfExpression#MindfulnessThroughArt


New Brief Talk After Dark podcast is out! Tony shares how he went from thongs to full lingerie: "Lingerie makes me feel sexy and more in tune with my body." 💖 Listen now! #MensLingerie#SelfExpression#Podcast


Creators don’t sense more than most; rather, we are more open to & accepting of what we sense.

A sparrow rests in the underbrush

Caption reads:
As I get older, my senses are becoming more muted.

What were once sharp lines are now blurred gradients.

And yet, my universe is in no way diminished.

Creators don’t sense more than most; rather, we are more open to & accepting of what we sense.

Learn from the masters, or as Picasso reportedly said: “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” Hogwash! Excerpt from “Tomorrow, I’ll be inspired. Reflections on muse-free creativity.” (coming 2025)

Nighttime street concert with a guitarist and singer under red spotlights

Caption reads:
Learn from the masters, or as Picasso reportedly said: “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”


Learning how others have done it in the past can help you do it better in your present, but it is not a prerequisite to doing it. And better is a subjective term. Who’s to say your initial attempt(s) at something isn’t already sufficient?

Studying our predecessors, the classics, risks us thinking that this is the only or best way things can be or worse, how things should be. When you are unsure of your capabilities, prior work can become a prison that locks you into one way of doing something. And it can be a standard you are unlikely to ever equal, and so, you risk being defeated before you start.

What would you try if I told you there was ZERO pressure to complete it? An excerpt from “Tomorrow, I’ll be inspired. Reflections on muse-free creativity.” (coming 2025)

A boat house on a darkened beach with a message reading:

There is an excitement to starting something new, that first blush of love (or lust) for an idea is no different than those romanticized eyes meeting across a crowded room. But as all of us have learned in so many ways, that first blush can easily morph into a blistering, painful sunburn of the soul.

What seemed so easy initially, what demanded so little of us upon our first meeting starts to feel suffocating in its demands for our attention. And worse, something else arrives to attract our eyes with seductive promises of simplicity, and we quickly realize we are an incorrigible creative flirt with no desire to be tied down or for whom commitment is a terrifying prospect.

So, flirt. Don’t commit… You’re not a bad person simply because you never finish a project.