Walgreens (and CVS) is the Dollar General of pharmacies. They drive out the local competition while having higher prices than the average pharmacy. The money they siphon out of communities goes straight to shareholders, not to workers or reinvested in the community. Same shit, different day


They've done everything but send the soon to be ex-employees off to individually fellate all the shareholders.


“…there needs to be a lot more transparency with where the dollars go, particularly with a lot of these private equity and other business models that are taking over [nursing homes]. Because the owners and their shareholders profit by drawing money away from care, staffing, and supplies.”

Why Pennsylvania nursing homes are closing
Why Pennsylvania nursing homes are closing

When PA nursing homes close, communities have to fill the gaps. Advocates warn that more closures loom if longstanding funding issues aren’t resolved.


Jack-Welch-trained executives came in and ran Boeing into the ground trying to return more $$ to shareholders. The company is collapsing, just laid off 20,000 and is now borrowing heavily. An American success story trashed by greed.

Boeing to sell at least $10 billion in shares to plug cash drain.

WHY can't the Government include the RoSCos in their rail nationalisation plans? Rolling Stock company Porterbrook paid £80 million in dividends last year. That's money that should have been invested in UK rail, NOT siphoned off to its overseas shareholders.

Infographic showing information about the 3 main ROSCOs (Rolling Stock Companies), who between them own 70-80% of the UK's rail vehicles including freight, locomotives and carriages. 
There is more information at

Critics argue that shareholders in the [UK] water companies have received billions of pounds in dividends since privatization but failed to put enough money back into the water system while piling up debt.

Amid a Water Crisis, England Asks: Who Should Be in Charge?
Amid a Water Crisis, England Asks: Who Should Be in Charge?

Four decades after privatization, calls to nationalize the water industry have swept across England and Wales amid sewage spills and rising household bills.


but Elon gets to tell shareholders that engagement on twitter is up 42069% so it's f- nice. nice. did you get it. nice.


@japantimes: Shareholders of Japan's largest companies are increasingly voting against management resolutions, data showed, spurred on by guidance on effective corporate governance and capital allocation set out by Japanese regulators.


But who could have guessed that diverting profits to shareholders instead of the workers would lead to policies of massive automation, cuts in costs, lead to people having less money, and therefore buy more unhealthy stuff and get a bad health ? (I mean apart from any honest economist of course)


We avoided Atomic War because it would be the sudden destruction of our civilisation,and most people. Instead,we pollute ourselves to extinction,slowly,and painfully.I guess it gives time for corporates to pay dividends to shareholders. The Human Races' capacity for stupidity is boundless.