Anyone new to teaching #sikhi#TeamRE


my best YT algorithm story is I started listening to grime (UK rap) 7 yrs ago, at some point it recommended a Sikh UK rapper, after that a Sikhi Khalistani rapper, then straight up Sikhi videos like Basics of Sikhi & Nanak Naam and now I know the Mul Mantar and the entire 500 year history of Sikhi.


Dharmic religions on the other hand (think Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhi) tend to believe a cyclical eschatology. Buddha predicted in 5000 yrs his teaching would be forgotten followed by turmoil. A figure called Maitreya would then rediscover the teachings, starting a new cycle.


the guru granth sahib does contain some hindu and muslim texts, and conversion to sikhi is actually sometimes discouraged in favor of being the best member of one's own religion you can be (as all religions contain varying levels of truth), so I can kiiiiiiiiiiiind of see that one?


Since I've started reading Sikh texts now, I've found it's really interesting. From a USian Christian background, there's a particular reverence people have for the Bible, but people will write in and even praise the wear of a really beat up Bible. Not so with the Siri Guru Granth Sahib in Sikhi tho


BBC Asian Network The Ultimate Vaisakhi Playlist with Dipps Bhamrah Dipps brings you the Ultimate Vaisakhi Playlist. A selection of hand-picked tracks from AS Kang, RDB and a live session from Jaz Dhami bringing together Sikhi and spirituality.


Jos joku haluaa puhua uskonnosta, niin sanon, että olen maallistunut sikhi, joka ei käytä turbaania ja voin kyllä keskustella Gurusta Granth Sahibista. Mutta jos hän ei tiedä siitä mitään, niin on helppo lopettaa keskustelu heti. :-)


Religions are mixed on body hair. In some branches of Islam, everyone is encouraged to remove body hair every 40 days! Sikhi on the other hand are dissuaded from cutting any hair, including body hair. Agnostic bisexuals on BlueSky can do whatever but they like chest hair and think it looks neat.

Selfie of me shirtless looking to the side