Do ya' leik the deik? I'm sure ya' do! We're all just a buncha deik leikers here! (Art sampled from "Superman" Vol. 1 #141.#superman#etymology#queer#lgbtq#lgbtqia#dccomics#comics#silveragecomics#silverage#silveragedc#dickjoke

In a comic panel Superman, surrounded by a green jungle, furrows his brow in thought. He says, "My great loves have all had the initials L.L.! Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Lex I just attracted to people with those initials? What would you even call that? Let's see, words that deal with words, like dictionary, come from the Latin dicere, meaning to say! That comes from the proto-indo-european root Deik, meaning to show! Like how initials show a name! So perhaps that's the correct word! A deik-sexual! Yes, I am a deiksexu-- oh wait, no, I hear it now. I mean, Batman's deik is nice but I like Lois too." A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit."

Even if he's been sinisterly isolated an' maybe possessed by Reverse Flash? I dunno, I look forward ta' Simon Spurrier's next issue! #theflash#flash#wallywest#barryallen#silverage#silveragecomics#silveragedc#dccomics#comics#comiclore#comichistory 17/17


Of course Krypto's a communist, he's a good dog! (Art sampled from "Adventure Comics" Vol. 1 #262.#superman#krypto#leftism#socialism#communism#anarchocommunism#capitalism#silverage#silveragecomic#silveragedc#comics#dccomics

Three edited comic panels. In the first, a giant Krypto dives into a lake, upsetting boats and sending a wave toward a lakehouse with beachgoers. Someone shouts "Help!" A beachgoer says, "Kommie Krypto is sinking our unnecessarily luxurious boats and flooding our opulent property!" In the second panel, a caption reads, "He's off-leash and unlicensed! A Kanine Kommie! Krypto goes after a blimp that reads "Capitalism is the best!" and is saying "Consume" in a robotic tone over and over. Superboy flies by and thinks, "Kommie Krypto is destroying propaganda! How will the market survive?" In the final panel Krypto is using his X-Ray vision to destroy a military base. Krypto thinks, "Goodbye and good riddance, military industrial complex!" Someone in the base says, "If Kommie Krypto burns our military base, how will we oppress others to make our capitalists more profit? Woe!" A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit".

Sometimes I just start editin' an' let the story take me where it wants ta' take me. This is one a' those times. (Art sampled from "Adventure Comics" Vol. 1 #266.#aquaman#silverage#silveragecomics#silveragedc#dccomics#comics

Four edited comic panels.telling the story of Aquaman meeting a blonde woman who looks just like him in an identical costume. After sounding like an obsessed stalker, Aquaman makes an excuse that a ship needs his help. Incensed, she goes off to sink the ship, but ends up meeting a tentacle monster and falling in love with its tentacles instead. A caption reads, "A Kilowog-core Edit".

That ain't how it works, poozers! Ya' gotta keep tryin'! An' sometimes ya' find what ya' weren't lookin' for! (Art sampled from "Superboy" Vol. 1 #68#CaptionAdded#NoEdit#Superboy#Superman#SilverAge#SilverAgeComic#SilverAgeDC#DCComics#Comics#Science#ScientificMethod

In a comic panel a scientist looks with frustration at a gem and a lump of putty both in a red beam fired from a green machine. Superboy looks back over his shoulder as he opens the door to leave. A caption reads, "After using the strange ray again--" The scientist says, "The duplicate jewel also came out wrong! It's melting like ice! My... my invention is a failure!" Superboy says, "Too bad, professor! Well, I'll be on my way!" A caption reads, "Good Grodd, Superboy, he still managed to make a duplicator ray that creates matter! Show some appropriate awe!" Another caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit".

Th' dialogue is original, I just changed the caption and touched up the old art. (Art sampled from "Superboy" Vol. 1 #65#CaptionEdit#ArtTouchUp#ComicEdit#Superboy#ClarkKent#Liberalism#LiberalHypocrisy#SilverAge#SilverAgeComics#SilverAgeDC#DCComics#Comics

Three comic panels are captioned "The left asked for solidarity, but in liberal households across the USA..." Superboy, in his secret identity as young Clark Kent, rises from a chair in his bedroom. A full moon shines through the window. Clark says, "I--I suddenly feel so strange-- so different..." In the next panel he smirks sinisterly and says, "It's as if I'm changing-- changing into another person! I don't want to be good and help people anymore..." In the final panel, he smiles an open-mouthed, evil smile and says, "I want to do the opposite... can't help myself..." A caption reads "A Kilowog-core Edit"

Little bit of the classic comics haul from #nycc#classiccomics#silveragedc