Honestly the two major things that got me splitting from the paleocon Libertarian movement were realizing that they were crypto-Forced-Pregnancy and frequently just overtly racist and the smokescreen of "free speech" was just giving them cover to be that and not recognized as reactionaries.


Hi everyone! I'm Dragonfly! I've been on Bluesky for a while under but I really wanted to make a separate Transformers account to find more like minded people. I attempt to draw Transformers (I wanna get better!) and just want to interact and see what else you all do out there!

A Transformers Prime Smokescreen figure stood behind a large cup of foamy coffee with chocolate dusted on top. The morning sun shines on the image.

Revamped colors + tinkered with some parts!! Welcome back Smokescreen!!!


To the folks who are saying Kamala's Israel stance is a smokescreen to throw off AIPAC interference: I wish I lived in your world. It sounds nice there.


The so-called surge of Black male support for Trump is a smokescreen. Experts dismantle the idea, showing minimal shifts that won’t save him. Trump’s rhetoric, including outrageous lies about Haitian immigrants, exposes his extremist core. 1/2


It’s all about the marketing smokescreen. Just like how the idea for the Hyperloop was basically… the subway.


Plus, you can legitimately argue that Republicans have perfected using the office of the president as a smokescreen for a bunch of reactionary policy sickos with negative charisma, at least since Reagan; GHWB starts to look like a real anomaly in hindsight.


I used to believe that was the problem. At this point, I think that's just a smokescreen. In reality, the reporters are incompetent, and desperate to keep their jobs. The editors actively WANT Trump to win, because he's good for traffic. The owner's want Trump to win, because they're billionaires.


"Tough decisions" are often a smokescreen to take advantage of a group of people or straight murder. It relaxes the accountability by making it seem like it was something they didn't want to do. Trust that they wanted to do it. Stop entertaining the words and pay attention to the actions.


Trump inherited a strong economy, implemented a huge tax change that slashed taxes for the wealthy, at the cost of lower and middle classes, scheduled it all later in the presidency. He then got a smokescreen with COVID causing such massive disruption that you couldn't parse the majority changes.