Then it's Disney! Omg. You're done for... 😱 My mom taught us to bake cakes when we were snowed in one year. Maybe he'll like that.


92. Loving the Mountain Man by Adriana Anders (WW/WM, erom, snowed in) Rescued by disabled hermit arborist, the two get cozy. HEA glosses over a lot of PT. Wrap up a bit rushed. CW: SA, near death, accident, kink, ptsd.


3/4: and not ready for, and what you're willing to put up with and not put up with, to get it. Submissives, if you wait for a dominant to tell you what you want and need, there's a good chance you won't get either, and you'll just get snowed by some dude. 4/4 follows


There's a fourth option as well, the full page, which increases to four rows: Panel 1, 2+3, 4+5, 6. Here's Watterson (spelling correction) within the format, pushing it around, after locking in a half page, and his final strip (🥰).

Panel 1:
Calvin: Tigers don't worry about much, do they?
Hobbes: Nope.

Hobbes: That's one of the perks of being feral.

P3: (forest)
C: I'm not having enough fun right now.
H: You're not?
C: I'm just having a LITTLE bit of fun. I should be having LOTS of fun.

C: It's Sunday. I've just got a few precious hours of freedom left before I have to go to school tomorrow.
C: (gritting his teeth) Between now and bedtime, I have to squeeze all the fun possible out of every minute! I don't want to waste a second of liberty!

Calvin: Each moment I should be able to say "I'm having the time of my life right now!"

C: But here I am, and I'm NOT having the time of my life! Valuable minutes are disappearing forever even as we speak! We've got to have more fun! C'mon!
<they run>
H: I didn't realize fun was so much work.
C: Sure! When you're SERIOUS about having fun, it's not much fun at all!
A Sunday Calvin & Hobbes strip. While the 6-panel layout is maintained, panels 3-5 have been subdivided into a total of 11 narrow panels.

In every panel, Calvin is looking at the reader on a white background, making a face: sticking his tongue out, pulling his eyelids, yawning, grimacing, fish face, scrunched up, "I just ate a battery", picking his nose, tonsilectomy, pulling his cheeks, horrified.

In the final panel, Calvin's parents are looking through photos.
Dad: That's our son! *sighhh*
Mom: These pictures will remind us of more than we want to remember.
A Calvin & Hobbes Sunday strip. The 6-panel layout is gone. The first row is a pair of panels, depicting a realistically drawn (but cartoon-colorized) pair of three-horned dinosaurs.

Narrator: The end of the Mesozoic Era... a herd of Chasmosaurs is unusually jittery! <close-up on one dinosaur> They now know they have more to fear than Tyrannosaurs! Now they face an even GREATER danger...

Panel 3 is the full width of the strip.
Narrator: TYRANNOSAURS IN F-14s!!

Three military jets scream across a clear blue sky with a lone cloud scudding on the horizon. Visible in two of the three cockpits are Tyrannosaurs in flight goggles, roaring.

Panel 4, inset. Calvin and Hobbes are playing with plastic toys. Calvin holds a jet over a herd of dinosaurs.
Calvin: This is SO cool!
Hobbes: This is SO stupid.
The last Calvin & Hobbes strip. The whole strip is three panels (plus two inset), depicting a winter forest in nearly all white, with a few trees and bushes picked out.

Panel 1: They're smiling as they trudge through the snow with a sled.
Calvin: Wow, it really snowed last night! Isn't it wonderful?

Panel 2 (inset):
Hobbes: Everything familiar has disappeared! The world looks brand-new!
Calvin: A new year... A fresh, clean start!

Panel 3:
Hobbes: (framing an imaginary scene with his hands) It's like having a big white sheet of paper to draw on!
Calvin: A day full of possibilities!

Panel 4 (inset in panel 5): The pair climb onto the sled and Hobbes prepares to push off.
Calvin: It's a magical world, Hobbes, ol' buddy...

Panel 5 is the entire lower half of the comic, framed with a double line. The two are mid-air as the sled flies out of frame on the right, leaving only two long curves in the snow.

Calvin: ...Let's go exploring!

Snowspelled is a frothy feminist romance novella about a heroine stuck at a snowed-in houseparty full of gentleman magicians, lady politicians, and her infuriatingly attractive ex-fiancé, who refuses to understand that she's given him up for his own good. ❤️❄️❤️


The Angel of the Desert.

Illustration of a brutalist arch, with a stained glass window inside. It stands on a snowed, stormy beach. The glass shows a six-winged angel, the Tetramorph, and a Greek inscryption saying: "Οὐκ ἦν ἐκεῖνος τὸ φῶς, ἀλλ᾿ ἵνα μαρτυρήσῃ περὶ τοῦ φωτός."

My Coleman can use gasoline as well as regular camp gas. That came in handy when Texas collapse because it snowed a little.


For me it was kind of the same on Twitter, first week I'd try to fit in. 2nd week I'd struggle and feel anxious about it, and then just give up Later years I'd just save up my art to post after October. Because there was no use in posting something else, it'd get snowed under by the prompt chaos 😅


imagine being snowed in with your most LinkedIn-pilled college housemate


Get one jacket that ends at least below your butt—as an Arizonan who moved to Chicago that was probably the most surprising part. That’s for the very cold/windy/clear days. A 3-in-1 with a waterproof shell (like a ski jacket) is good when you’re actually being snowed on.