Toddler diaries from last November: gargling, new washing machine, a rare night of good sleep, and the dark walk home from nursery #kidlit#kidlitArt#babyDiaries#toddlerDiaries#sketchbook#sketchbookDiaries#parentingComics#parenting#dailySketchbook#soloMum#soloMumByChoice#smbc

Sketches of life with toddler, including a disastrous night, me gargling for my sore mouth, and the toddler inadvisably playing with bungee cord and plungers
Sketch of my new washing machine and a basket full of laundry
Sketches: toddler miraculously sleeps from 7.30-4.30 (while I lie awake meal planning), I forget to bring my sign in card to work, have many meetings, and then show toddler some stars
Sketch of walking home from nursery in the dark: moon, stars, lampposts, graveyard, buses

Toddler diaries from last October/November: pumpkins, toys-that-aren't-toys, playground tree, & the washing machine repairman tells a story... #kidlit#kidlitArt#babyDiaries#toddlerDiaries#sketchbook#sketchbookDiaries#parentingComics#parenting#dailySketchbook#soloMum#soloMumByChoice#smbc

Sketch of two pumpkins: a big one with lots of teeth, and a baby one
Sketches of life with toddler: tree with swings on it, made wings for S. to wear to fairy party then realised I'd got the wrong day, S. is grumpy and then falls down in the bath - I rescue him
Sketches of things that aren't toys that are toys, such as bungee cords, toothpaste, toilet roll, magnifying glass that comes with concise OED
Sketches of me having a lovely rest (and some fillings) at the dentist, and the washing machine repairman telling me a long and rambling story - starting with druggies stealing my washing machine button and ending up with his girlfiend's son's 11 game consoles

agora se fosse o solomum 💔


ai gente como assim o solomum não vem para o br esse ano, tá de brincadeira 😭


Toddler diaries from last Autumn: illness season very much at hand: but toddler takes a step and I have an almond croissant #kidlit#kidlitArt#babyDiaries#toddlerDiaries#sketchbook#sketchbookDiaries#parentingComics#parenting#dailySketchbook#soloMum#soloMumByChoice#smbc#soloParent

Sketches of me having a cold, dumping the toddler on the childminder and working from home looking out at the pouring rain. In better news, baby takes a step and I watch strictly.
Sketch of chocolate and almond croissant, cup of tea, and book (the Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin). Caption: I still have a cold, but mum has taken S. out to the farm - hooray!
Sketches of baby vomiting repeatedly and chewing my breasts. I eventually manage to find a clean shirt and a bit of breakfast, we watch Twirlywoos, and baby is much happier in the afternoon
Sketches of doing nothing much, i.e. dreaming about Suella Braverman, putting toddler in a tree, making beautiful lasagne (baby is suspicious), letting baby play with gravel and cigarette butts to get us out of the house

Toddler diaries from a year ago: duplo on the stairs, the office is a strange place, S.'s top 15 pieces of duplo, and a trip to Manchester #kidlit#kidlitArt#babyDiaries#toddlerDiaries#sketchbook#sketchbookDiaries#parentingComics#parenting#dailySketchbook#soloMum#soloMumByChoice

Sketches of toddler putting pieces of duplo on the staircase
Sketches of my strange office: almost totally empty (apart from two people discussing acciacaturas), most of the food is potatoes, everyone's wearing glitter and flower crows (festival themed sales conference apparently)
Sketches of toddler's top 13 pieces of duplo - top 3 are the skateboard, the cat, and the charging cable
Sketches from a trip to Manchester - successful first swimming trip, trams, endlessly posable cousins, giant Gruffalo statue

Toddler diaries from August 2023: shoes, strange noises, foot-related disasters, and the many things that S. likes these days #kidlit#kidlitArt#babyDiaries#toddlerDiaries#sketchbook#sketchbookDiaries#parentingComics#parenting#dailySketchbook#soloMum#soloMumByChoice#smbc

Sketch of two pairs of baby shoes lying untidily on the floor
Sketches of strange noises: 1) last night a fly got stuck in the baby monitor and I extracted and murdered it 2) my mum is visiting and fridge hums loudly no matter what we do - eventually we realise that it's not the fridge but my mum's electric toothbrush
Sketches of foot related disasters: 1) I twist my ankle on the way to the playground 2) a friend and her baby come to visit and I step on a mystery shard of glass and get blood everywhere...
Sketches of the things the baby likes these days: clock, singing in the pram, barber's pole, waving to the microwave, highlighter, stars, stairs, studs, stirring, water going down the plughole etc