Yes, spent five years experimentally applying the tool (palynology) to new materials (speleothems), and developing new collaborations.


New review study "The 4.2ka event is not remarkable in the context of Holocene climate variability"🤔 Also says, Mediterranean drought didn't happen. So I plotted d18O of all 56 speleothems in Sisal3 with okay resolution from -9 to 85°E. Result: Mediterranean WAS dryer🧵

The 4.2 ka event is not remarkable in the context of Holocene climate variability - Nature Communications
The 4.2 ka event is not remarkable in the context of Holocene climate variability - Nature Communications

A study of more than 1000 paleoclimate datasets reveals that the ”4.2 ka event” is not a globally significant climate excursion, unlike the prominent 8.2 ka event. In the Holocene, site-level excursio...


Speleothems in Butler Cave, Bath County, VA. ⚒️🦇

Mud-colored flowstone in an overlapping set of bulbous convex forms, streaked with small vertical flutes.
Mud-colored rimstone pools flooring a section of cave passage.
Soda straw stalactites forming along a joint in the cave ceiling.
Phallic stalagmite with rock rubble behind it.

Not saying work is slow but I'm currently using my time to learn all about speleothems. What's your favourite? Flowstone? Moonmilk? Frostworks? It's sinter canopy for me all the way.


Dated between 172 - 130 ka, "Altamura man" still lies deep within the cave, partly embedded within speleothems Virtual paleoanthropology in karstic environments. The challenging case of the Neanderthal skeleton from Altamura (southern Italy) 🏺🧪

Altamura skeleton (above) and faunal remains (below, including a cervid cranium in the foreground), displaying the same type of popcorn coralloid concretions. The two specimens are located in two separate parts of the cave. Not in scale. Photos by CB.

Today's travel in Kikaijima took me to Ufuyaguchi Limestone Cave. Before World War II, this cave was full of speleothems, but they were removed to make it a bunker. New speleothems are starting to form, though. ⚒️ #Japan#speleothem#cave

Picture in a cave, showing some older stalactites that are not well formed, possibly due to human action. There are some bright spots at the tips of the stalactites where water is dripping off.
Picture in a cave, with small stalactites starting to form.
Picture in a cave, with flowstone on the wall. At the bottom is a wooden railing.

Yes! Used in reconstructing paleoclimates from corals and stalactites/speleothems!


I bet its speleothems are rubbish, though