born to study the d&d spellcasting system, forced to study math


In a big fight at 7th level my PF1 tengu battle spirit shaman did far more spellcasting than melee, and was about to give up her swordswoman aspirations. But having hit 8th level she can make her blade bane as a swift action and got weapon specialization, so with divine favor...


3.) Sidere is naturally very curious which led down the paths of investigation. The art developed naturally with the investigating, the passion developing from quick sketches during note-taking visualizing spellcasting before leading to more general artwork.


TLFI's next update is finally coming next weekend! In the meantime, let's learn a bit more about Baron Wellmore, the leader of Heart's Eye. What does he plan to do next?

A picture of a blond middle aged white man with a ponytail and a goatee. He wears a purple and red jacket, has an eye shaped pink gemstone on his chest, and holds a ball of darkness in his left hand, and a heart shaped wooden sceptre in his right.
Image text: Baron Wellmore, 48, he/him, human.
Magic types: Dark, Spellcasting.
Description: The leader of Heart's Eye himself. Having experienced injustice at the hands of light mages, he formed a group of fellow dark mages to join him in battle - with the ultimate goal of eradicating light magic for good. Krystelle's very survival is threatened by this - how can she find a peaceful resolution?

What should Nucleomancy (aka nuclear spellcasting) actually do?


Made a character for the 2002 Lord of the Rings Rolyplaying game by Decipher. It's interesting to compare it to One Ring 2E and it's 5E adaptation. Magic and spellcasting is much more prevalent in the 2002 game, but they deserve a lot of credit for keeping it so observant of the source material!


gonna go work on my spellcasting


Yeeeaaah, Quentin left that there to remind ol' Dregron about what happened the last time he caused trouble for the spellcasting community! >:D


Eccentric Beauty Of Despair © Surazeus 2024 09 27 Orpheus joins Oannes and Apollon at the University of Magicians in Babylon as Professor of Spellcasting.


Here are their full body outfits too. Altacia is a wizard who makes charms as his way of spellcasting. Lettsom is a fighter who I plan to have dabble in magic. He’s going to learn graviturgy as a way to punch harder.

Bugbear man with pointed ears and brown fur, he wears a black cloak with gold trim and black slacks. Under the cloak is red-orange robes and an orange belt with a gold buckle. The fur on his arms is striped, reminiscent of a tiger.
Genasi man with stone grey skin. His hair is blue, and he wears no shirt. His chest is hairy, and his nipples are pierced. He wears brown slacks with silver knee pads. Around his waist he wears a decorative length of silver cloth. He is flexing his arms