I pine for the Carter years when we only had stagflation and malaise to deal with. I was too young to understand how nice that was.




Me fio más de los datos del censo y BLS, o los datos de primera mano del IRS de rentas. Las elecciones del 68 los demócratas las pierden porque George Wallace les revienta el sur, no Vietnam. En 1980 es stagflation, no Irán.


WHEN ITS OVER, Joe WB remembered for Afghanistan, Loot&Scoot, 28 million illegals, toilet paper scares, turmoil everywhere, endless Stagflation, inciting strikes, Hunter, GROWING HOMELESSNESS and unwavering confusion.


Gotta love rental car companies: Step 1 of the rapture is we put your car through an MRI. Step 2 is you wait in a full-service-gas-station-and-also-during-the-roaring/stagflation-70s-length line to check out you and your papers.


you can also see comprehensively that the Obama admin fucked us - wage growth for the bottom quartile flatlined from the financial crisis until 2015. People are scared bc they can subconsciously feel what looks like 2006 stagflation, but the difference is this time there's less union backstabbing


So Recession. Much Stagflation. Very Least Responsible Macroeconomic Policy in 40 Years. If I were a journalist at a major media outlet, I would regard the fact that voters think we’re at parity (at best) on which candidate/party is better on the economy as a damning indictment of my profession 🧐🤔🤷‍♂️


U.S. job creation roared higher in September as payrolls surged by 254,000 Your observations r okay. Your suppositions r wrong. So too w ur conclusions. Indications r STAGFLATION is alive. Stocks r very sketchy examples of quant whim. PT Barnum is everywhere.

U.S. job creation roared higher in September as payrolls surged by 254,000
U.S. job creation roared higher in September as payrolls surged by 254,000

Nonfarm payrolls were expected to increase by 150,000 in September, according to the Dow Jones consensus forecast.