During 1960-64, US officials considered various ways to neutralize a nuclear-armed China, from a 1961 Air Force proposal to provide US nuclear weapons to allies and others in the region (including India), to, in 1963-64, pre-emptive strikes on Chinese facilities.

The first page of the article “Whether to ‘Strangle the Baby in the Cradle’: The United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-64,”by William Burr and Jeffrey T. Richelson, published in the Winter 2000/01 issue of “International Security.”

[shouting over the sound of the dump truck's hydraulics] these two approaches are the right and left arms of what we call modern american imperialism— christo-fascism is the arm of the government, and atheistic capitalism is the arm of its bourgeoisie. both will strangle the will of the proletariat


I do keep trying to be understanding; she's 26, she's been on her own since she was 18, and it explains why she's financially-oriented over everything else. But it's the kind of thing that can strangle a relationship where the other partner isn't focused on that. This continues to be a rough match.I do keep trying to be understanding; she's 26, she's been on her own since she was 18, and it explains why she's financially-oriented over everything else. But it's the kind of thing that can strangle a relationship where the other partner isn't focused on that. This continues to be a rough match.


Sketch-tober day 16! Kali’s demon arm is not bonded well, so it sometimes tries to strangle her if she gets distracted or exhausted (Fun fact; she sleeps with it tied in a bag and strapped to her side) #aasb

Sketch of a woman fighting her own right arm as it tries to claw her. She has thick black hair in long twin braids and round disc earrings.

I find it intensely weird that I would never ever in a thousand years lecture voters who are Black men on who to vote for in the next election but Obama can without having his brain strangle his neck. Because Black women taught me not to on twitter. Before the Nazi fog descended.


I was worried that first panda was gonna strangle itself!


Today is probably the worst day I've had at work since around the beginning of this year. 14+ hours on the clock. On the plus side, I didn't stab or strangle any coworkers. Gotta keep the positives in sight...


I once saw the Hambugerler strangle a man in a motel up near Yukiton country. He's our man.


Stop asking me for donations, James Carville, the only thing I want to hear from you is "I have devised a way to travel back to 2001 and am now going to strangle Tucker Carlson with piano wire on the set of Crossfire"


I like our Australian concept of the "fair go" - meaning we expect conditions where we're all doing ok, basically. We are holding onto the fair go by our fingernails because politicians (both rightwing and "liberal") strangle our social fabric more every year with capitalism and austerity.