There's a hotdog I made a few times. Bread and sausages need to be grilled. Bacon strips and onions need to be baked with brown sugar powdered over. It also got a homemade sweet chili sauce and fried grated cassava. The work this involves tends to hold myself from doing it again, like nah, I'm fine


quick reminder for my upcoming bandcamp listening party this friday, celebrating the release of my new record "when air collapsed within", out on

a photograph of a coastal skyline, blurred so deeply as to almost remove all detail save for vague shape and colour. strips of washi tape are layered over the image, with a message written over which reads, "when air collapsed within listening party, october 4th 2pm eastern, 11am pacific"

16) Popeye Really should have been further up on the list, but I had to save some good ones for later. The sailor man with the spinach can is a lifelong favorite. The original Segar strips are nothing short of genius.


I think you should learn to play an instrument just because you want to. Like you don't have to be professional or do gigs you can just have fun. capitalism strips us of so much desire.


Aight, so I'm jumping on this silly train. I have a few OCs that are still around and kicking, but this menace is my newest one. This is Nebulae Aeon ( or just Aeon ). sksks could call him NA, Not Applicable. 😂

Text on a dark background that reads " 1 heart = One fact about my OC "
Painting of a character with light colored hair and stars on his face, a glow centered in his chest. He wears a super low cut white silk shirt, his hair hanging along one side of his neck. He wears four earrings and a cuff on his right ear. Behind him is a low valley with high mountains on either side, clouds covering the entire sky. Only thin strips of light make it totally through.

Yay! *Strips and jumps in excitedly*


Wednesday, October 9th DORK TOWER is up now, for the strips amazing Patreon supporters (along with Director's Notes, and this month's Gilly-level Swag info)! Enlist in the Army of Dorkness and SEE THE FUTURE!

Wednesday, Oct. 9th DORK TOWER (2254)...and today's DORK TOWER (2202), today! | John Kovalic
Wednesday, Oct. 9th DORK TOWER (2254)...and today's DORK TOWER (2202), today! | John Kovalic

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