I had a dream I just kept responding "PLATE TECTONICS, BABY!" to everyone and everything.


In my 'Environmental Geology' class today, starting Chapter 6, Earthquakes: what are they, what are their causes, relation to plate tectonics, different types of seismic waves, Richter scale vs. Mercalli scale, & other earth-moving revelations. #geology 🧪🪨⚒️

a cartoon of a family sitting on a couch with a caption that says ground rumbling
a cartoon of a family sitting on a couch with a caption that says ground rumbling

Alt: Gif from "The Simpsons" showing Homer, Krusty the Clown, Lisa, and Marge on their living-room couch, with Bart and Maggie on the floor in front of the TV, and everything shaking around them.


But the consensus can still be wrong, can’t it? The history of science is peppered with new ideas which don’t agree with the scientific consensus of the day but turn out on further investigation to be true. Plate Tectonics is less than a century old, and duelling palaeontologists around for ever!

0 kick-off meeting is bringing our 12 doctoral candidates to the lovely rift tectonics and geomorphology of the Gulf of Corinth. In the back of the photo is the Platanos Gilbert delta, illustrating uplift with minimum of 1.1 mm/yr

12 smiling doctoral candidates standing in front of a mountain panorama consisting of light coloured rocks, covered by parse green vegetation. The mountain is an uplifted Gilbert delta.

Azarnouche, Samra. 2024. Tectonique des mythes. Croyances et théories zoroastriennes sur le tremblement de terre [Myths tectonics: Zoroastrian beliefs and theories on earthquakes]. Revue de l’histoire des religions 241(2). 275–297.

Zoroastrian theories on earthquakes
Zoroastrian theories on earthquakes

Azarnouche, Samra. 2024. Tectonique des mythes. Croyances et théories zoroastriennes sur le tremblement de terre. Revue de l’histoire des religions 241(2). 275–297. Anselm Kiefer, Le Croissant fert…


If you believe in gravity, If you believe in plate tectonics, If you believe in evolution, (they what? YGTBFKM…)


imagine they never proved plate tectonics in the 60s & now you’re watching a low budget Netflix doc and a guy talking to the camera says “but some scientists have a different, more controversial theory” and there’s cheap shitty CGI showing the plates drifting around. You’d never fuckin believe it


In my 'Environmental Geology' class today, my students have their first exam of the semester. What's it cover? Earth systems, overview of physical geology, climate changes in the past, glaciers & glaciations, & mass wasting. May the power of plate tectonics be ever in their favor! #geology 🧪🪨⚒️

a computer generated image of a volcano erupting with mountains in the background
a computer generated image of a volcano erupting with mountains in the background

Alt: Animation of a mid-ocean ridge spreading lihtospheric plates apart, with hot magma circulating up from the partially molten asthenosphere below.