“She got on with her education. In her opinion, school kept on trying to interfere with it.” #TerryPratchett#SoulMusic


Wenn ich nur BĂŒcher eines Autors behalten dĂŒrfte, wĂ€ren es die von #terrypratchett#booktober

Foto zweier Regalbretter voller bunter BĂŒcher, die von Terry Pratchett geschrieben wurden.

Just finished another Terry Pratchett book I found along the way recently. Really enjoyed "Nation," especially as it wasn't a DiscWorld related title. Loved the ending too, a flash forward to future generations. 1of3 #booksky#books#reading#TerryPratchett

Just finished another Terry Pratchett book I found along the way recently.  Really enjoyed "Nation," especially as it wasn't a DiscWorld related title. Loved the ending too, a flash forward to future generations.  That said, I can't help but think that Terry was writing his books with cinematic aspirations.  I suspect this would be fairly easy to turn into a film (given a big budget, of course!). As always, his crossroads of science, humanity and humility is endearing. His approach to questioning organized religion and that crossroads with science is subtle and well done.    A fine fun read.

“Sideney prayed as he ran down the stairs. He didn’t believe in any gods, since most wizards seldom like to encourage them, but he prayed anyway the fervent prayers of an atheist who hopes to be wrong.” #TerryPratchett#Hogfather


“And when the Patrician was unhappy, he became very democratic. He found intricate and painful ways of spreading that unhappiness as far as possible.” #TerryPratchett#GuardsGuards


“It’s bad enough barging into Guild property, but we’ll get into really serious trouble if we shoot anyone. Lord Vetinari won’t stop at sarcasm. He might use’ - Colon swallowed - ‘irony.” #TerryPratchett#MenAtArms


“The fact is,” he went on, “that Ankh-Morpork has been violently against a standing army.” “We all know why people don’t trust an army,” said Lord Downey. “A lot of armed men, standing around with nothing to do
 they start to get ideas
” #TerryPratchett#Jingo


“O medo Ă© uma terra estranha. Nele, a obediĂȘncia cresce como milho, em fileiras que facilitam a colheita. Mas, Ă s vezes, nele crescem as batatas do desafio, que florescem no subsolo.” #terrypratchett#discworld