I want a spinoff series that's just Tuvok and Tom stuck living together like the Odd Couple #TomParis#Tuvok#Voy#Voyager

Tuvok and Captain Janeway are in the Delta Flyer, Tuvok is visible in the extreme foreground and Janeway is in the background. She is looking at Tuvok as he speaks: "I have isolated a section"

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 7, Episode 2, "Imperfection"
The same scene a moment later. The camera is sweeping through the Delta Flyer, so Tuvok is now out of frame, but we see Janeway looking at him as he continues: "that contains the bodies of approximately 37 drones."

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 7, Episode 2, "Imperfection"
The same scene a moment later. The camera has swept all the way through the length of the Delta Flyer and we now see Tom Paris at the helm. Tom has one hand on a joystick controller, and all of his beloved physical buttons and knobs  are visible on a console behind him. He has turned around in his chair and is looking back at Tuvok with an expression of exasperation. Tom replies to Tuvok: "37 doesn't sound approximate to me."

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 7, Episode 2, "Imperfection"

Got up to the episode where Tom Paris gets re-pipped! 😃🥲 #TomParis#CaptainMommy#CaptainJaneway#Voy#Voyager


I can't think what to do with these screenshots of these two goobers, but they make me laugh every time I look at them 😂 #HarryKim#TomParis#Voyager

Harry Kim and Tom Paris are side by side. Harry has his hands in front of him, palms facing out, his shoulders slightly hunched, as he looks down. Tom is hunched over, like he's talking to someone below him, and he's making a strange face, with his eyes half closed and his mouth somewhat open.

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 11, "Fair Haven"
Harry, his eyes still downcast, now has his hands spread out wider in front of him. Tom, still hunched over, has his mouth open in a perfect 'O,' like a howler monkey. His hand is in front of him, blurry as though in motion.

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 11, "Fair Haven"
Harry has now turned slightly so that he's facing Tom, his eyes are closed, and he's brought his hands up to his face, palms now facing inward, as though he's wafting the air in his direction. Tom, still hunched over with his hand in front of himself, looks like he's in the middle of a passionate debate. 

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 11, "Fair Haven"
Harry is now looking down with his eyebrows raised, with a smug expression, as though he just won an argument. His arms are now down by his sides. Tom is standing straight up next to him, his eyes are half closed, and he is jutting out his chin with his mouth is open, giving him a slight neanderthal appearance. 

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 11, "Fair Haven"

"Alice," or the one where Tom comes out as a Mechanophiliac. #TomParis#StarTrek#Voyager

Tom Paris is standing in the astrometrics lab with Seven of Nine and Harry Kim. They are all looking at the view screen. Tom Looks enraptured, Seven looks nonplussed, and and Harry looks real goofy. Tom is saying "That ship wasn't assembled; it was sculpted."

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 5, "Alice"
The same scene, a moment later. Tom continues: "I think I'm in love."

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 5, "Alice"
The same scene, a moment later. Tom is continuing to look at the screen, absolutely enraptured by the space ship he's looking at on the viewscreen. Seven and Harry have turned their heads to look at Tom, they both look concerned, and slightly bemused. 

From Star Trek Voyager, Season 6, Episode 5, "Alice"

a very special day for star trek fans. if you know you know. #thresholdday#janeway#tomparis