Ei Toomas, uma pergunta, eu poderia ler em live Bunyy? Se não puder ok ;-;


Acabei de ver a nova música lançada do Iron e a do Ton Os dois mandaram muito, la no react eu ate falei do, falei sobre que o capítulo 4 tava em produção Incrível que só descobri essa história hoje kkk, fiz uma pergunta la por Toomas, espero que ele responda Amanhã lança


BBC Radio 3 Through the Night Now Playing Estonian Radio Choir, Luik, V., Veljo Tormis & Toomas Kapten Sugismaastikud (Autumn landscapes)


🇪🇪 Toomas Hävimaa (VIR) ei voittanut urallaan ainuttakaan kilpailua. Rooman 2014 Tähtien Kisoissa Hävimaa riemuitsi hopeastaan jo kolmannen heittonsa aikana (kuva).


Actively Secure Polynomial Evaluation from Shared Polynomial Encodings (Pascal Reisert, Marc Rivinius, Toomas Krips, Sebastian Hasler, Ralf Küsters)

Abstract. Many of the currently best actively secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols like SPDZ (Damgård et al., CRYPTO 2012) and improvements thereof use correlated randomness to speed up the time-critical online phase. Although many of these protocols still rely on classical Beaver triples, recent results show that more complex correlations like matrix or convolution triples lead to more efficient evaluations of the corresponding operations, i.e. matrix multiplications or tensor convolutions. In this paper, we address the evaluation of multivariate polynomials with a new form of randomness: polytuples. We use the polytuples to construct a new family of randomized encodings which then allow us to evaluate the given multivariate polynomial. Our approach can be fine-tuned in various ways to the constraints of applications at hand, in terms of round complexity, bandwidth, and tuple size. We show that for many real-world setups, a polytuples-based online phase outperforms state-of-the-art protocols based on Beaver triples.

SLAMP-FSS: Two-Party Multi-Point Function Secret Sharing from Simple Linear Algebra (Erki Külaots, Toomas Krips, Hendrik Eerikson, Pille Pullonen-Raudvere)

Abstract. Multiparty computation (MPC) is an important field of cryptography that deals with protecting the privacy of data, while allowing to do computation on that data. A key part of MPC is the parties involved having correlated randomness that they can use to make the computation or the communication between themselves more efficient, while still preserving the privacy of the data. Examples of these correlations include random oblivious transfer (OT) correlations, oblivious linear-function evaluation (OLE) correlations, multiplication triples (also known as Beaver triples) and one-time truth tables. Multi-point function secret sharing (FSS) has been shown to be a great building block for pseudo-random correlation generators. The main question is how to construct fast and efficient multi-point FSS schemes. Here we propose a natural generalization of the scheme of Boyle et al 2016 using a tree structure, a pseudorandom generator and systems of linear equations. Our schemes SLAMP-FSS and SLAMPR-FSS are more efficient in the evaluation phase than other previously proposed multi-point FSS schemes while being also more flexible and being similar in other efficiency parameters.
Image showing part 2 of abstract.

The chair of the #Estonia#China Parliamentary Friendship Group, Toomas Kivimägi, has accepted public criticism over Beijing paying for part of the group's recent visit to China. Meanwhile, other group members insisted on the usefulness of the controversial trip.

Estonia: Controversy continues over China trip of Estonian MPs
Estonia: Controversy continues over China trip of Estonian MPs

Members of the Estonia-China friendship group of the Estonian parliament will probably no longer travel to China on trips paid for by the host country, the group’s chairman, MP Toomas Kivimägi of the…


Die #Chatkontrolle#Verschlüsselung#Putin den Schlüssel zum Königreich.“