Quite the reverse: challenger digital news brands are now snapping up traditional print media ones. But what should we make of the sale of The Spectator, and the discussions about Tortoise buying The Observer? I have thoughts.


gopher tortoise


Doing some manual labour. These basil plants need to be stripped of leaves for pesto. You can see my supervisors making sure I get the good leaves.

A basil plant, about to be stripped of leaves. The stalk and flowers will go to compost.
A grumpy-looking brown and tan tortoise shell cat, seemingly glaring at the photographer.

Leading UK cultural figures decry Observer's planned sale to Tortoise as "a betrayal" of liberal journalism; Guardian, Observer staff consider striking (Dominic Ponsford/Press Gazette) Main LinkMediagazer Permalink


Thank you for recommending, Colin - I then went on to read his piece from three years ago on Tortoise, The Missing Note (which Iā€™d not seen then) which is also beautifully written and incredibly moving:

The missing note - Tortoise
The missing note - Tortoise

For Anand Menon, a politics and foreign affairs professor at Kingā€™s College London, an early bout of Covid turned out to be the least of the hardships he suffered during the most difficult year of his...


Are you in San Diego county? Come on down to the Ramona Art, Wine & Music festival for some fun times and great art! Iā€™ll be sharing a booth with my friend, this is my first large outdoor event like this so Iā€™m both nervous and excited (but mostly excited)

An ad for the Ramona art wine and music festival featuring a small selection of my artwork: a coyote watercolor portrait, and a desert tortoise

There are other majorly sus issues with Rachel Johnson and Tortoise Mediaā€™s presentation as well. Luckily, more ethical and uncompromising reportage is in the works.


Every time someone shares those behind-the-scenes videos of Rachel Johnson advocating for abuse survivors, I wince. Sheā€™s virulently TERFy. Tortoise Mediaā€™s coverage of Gaiman has her at the helm. Their investigation canā€™t help but be tainted by that association.


I decorated for Halloween. Luna approves.

A photo of a tortoise shell calico cat laying on a dining room table next to a decorative plush cat. The plush cat is a vintage piece from the 90s, the style trying to emulate a 2-dimensional form. The fabric it's made of is orange with black cartoon cats printed on it. There is a black bow around the  plush cat's neck but the bow itself is above the head (back of the neck). The tablecloth is 90s vintage plastic with the print of jack-o-lanterns, bats, and a silhouette of a witch flying on her broom in front of a full moon. In the background, centered but cut mostly out of frame, is a China cabinet with a paper skeleton on it, but you only see the foot because of the pose. To the right in the background is an antique oak table with 2 small ghosts my brother and I made when we were kids, made from white wash cloths. Behind the ghosts is a flat, wooden standee of a black cat perched on a jack-o-lantern. Most of this is cut out of the corner of the frame.