Some more recent #touhoustuck art that i've made recently.

Two takes on Reimu stand atop a yin-yang platform. 
On the left is Nautist's take, with a Reimu dressed like Zun, with a green floral hat, a button-up shirt with a faint red yin-yang on it, and some basic shorts and shoes. Her hair is shoulder-length with the hair tubes on each side.
On the right is my take, with linger unkempt hair and an old, oversized red jacket with it's torn-off sleeves tied up by bows to stay on her arms. It has a yin-yang pin stuck to it, a ribbon tied around an white undeshirt, and some pants that are tucked into long boots underneath it.
Both Reimus are holding their goheis, with Nautist's Reimu's holding a shorter, straighter one, and mine being longer with a bend to it.
Marisa getting interrupted from using her Punch Designix by the arrival of Rinnosuke (as a sprite) and the three Fairies of Light. 
All three girls are crying, with Star Sapphire running towards Marisa, Sunny Milk puffing herself up behind Rinnosuke to look tough, and Luna Child sitting behind Sunny looking scared. 
Rinnosuke-sprite looks neutral as he announces his arrival. 
Marisa looks mortified and is sweating bullets at her newfound babysitting responsibilities.
Youmu and Reisen stand in a purple hillside area, reminiscent of a SBURB land, but not of anything in particular. 
Reisen looks serious, and is proportioned and rendered rather realistically as she loads a Beretta handgun. Her face is partially obscured by shadow in a dramatic way, and she is wearing a beanie to cover her ears. Her attire is her dark overcoat, white undershirt, red tie, and long pale skirt.
Youmu, meanwhile is rendered rather cartoonishly and reacts to Reisen loading her gun with surprise and genuine interest. Youmu has her two swords already in both of her hands, and she's wearing a comically oversized green turtleneck sweater and a lighter green skirt. She has a bowl-cut and Myon is behind her, making a pleased face.
Touhoustuck lineup WIP. Six characters, with colored renders of their guardians above them that look all cool and mysterious.
Reimu looks tired and grumpy. She's got her long hair in a red bow, but no hair tubes. Long off-red coat with detached sleeves that have been sewn to stay on her arms. Yellow ribbon around her undershirt's collar, and a bright red skirt and black shoes. Her symbol is a white Yin-yang printed on her jacket. Purple Yukari is above her.
Marisa looks tired but excited as she gives you the bird. Long messy blonde hair with a braid on the left side of her face, fixed by some blue hairtie of sorts. Black tanktop, brown shorts, and some brown sneakers. Symbol is a yellow star printed on her tank top. No guardian above her.
Youmu looks nervous with her pointer fingers pursed together in front of her. White shoulder-length straight hair with a black hairband with a ribbony bit coming off her right side. Dark green oversized turtleneck sweater, lighter green skirt, and brown shoes. Her symbol is a white ghost print on her sweater. Light blue Yuyuko is above her.
Sakuya looks pretty neutral, with white shortisth hair, two side braids going hold by green bows, and a white hairband. She wears a blue button up and skirt, with a white apron tied around her waist, and some white socks and black shoes. Her symbol is her pocketwatch, secured in her shirt's chest pocket. A deep red Remilia is above her.
Reisen looks nervous and bothered by Sanae next to her. Long pink hair with a dark beanie on, which has a moon pin on it. light pink undershirt, red tie, dark overcoat, blue skirt, long ill-fitting white socks, and brown shoes. Her target symbol isn't there, but a gray Eirin is above her.
Sanae looks happy to see Reisen. Bright green long hair, with a hairband with a frog and a hairtube and a snake accessory on her left side. white undershirt, blue patterned vest, darker blue patterned skirt, white socks and light blue shoes. No symbol, dark blue Kanako above.