There’s a long list of wrongs, tragedies, failures, crushing nightmare stuff, but there’s also been incredible magic experiences. Being at the right place at the right time to make an amazing difference for someone who really needed it. By accident! Serendipity! I figure that’s the gift.


Hell, that would win my vote and I'm already on board. Because I ALSO loved him on News Radio and it has been one of the great tragedies of our time to see what he has become.


soft ass language and shielding israhell from responsibility - "tragedies"? bitch, these are whole ass war crimes; atrocities. this shit makes the german nazis appear soft. the christian zionists will be remembered in time as worse than the christian nazis. FREE PALESTINE fvck harris & fvck trump


I guess that's probably why I gravitate toward the tragedies - because at least then you know what you're in for - and some of the lesser comedies like Two Gentlemen of Verona or The Merry Wives of Windsor.


Kids, remember to leave a plate of smallpox for Columbus tonight! Sami Day is February 6th, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded more often about our (Norwegian) own shameful history with our indigenous people.

Picture of a Native American with the text "Today we celebrate the people who first called this land home. We remember the struggles and tragedies they endured. We honor their place in and contributions to the shared story of America."

Is it not true that the great famine, iirc engineered by Mao, is one of the worst human tragedies of the 20th century ?


it was one of the only functional marriages in comics. it ended because of nothing to do with the couple, but external force. and that makes this one of the greatest tragedies in modern mythology. for all the sue/richard, janet/hank, and scott/womever, we only got one of wanda/vision. 😢

As an Avengers quinjet flies away the Scarlet Witch and her mother each hold one of her twin sons. 
The mom asks, “Is MANTIS the one you’ve TOLD me about, Wanda – – the one who tried to SEDUCE THE VISION before you were MARRIED?”
“Yes, mom!”
“Doesn’t it WORRY you, their going OFF together?“
The Scarlet Witch replies, “No – – ours is ONE marriage I KNOW is solid…!“

@LiYuan6: After a Japanese schoolboy was killed in China amid rising xenophobia, some Chinese asked: Were they enablers of hate if they remained silent? What could they do to prevent future tragedies? They decided they had to speak out; inaction would be cowardice.


Costco getting rid of the onions for its hotdogs is one of the biggest tragedies of modern times.


@LeMonde_EN: UNIFIL, the peacekeeping mission whose history is intertwined with the tragedies of southern Lebanon