ohmigod I forgot the homophobic "real men don't eat quiche" thing. It was just a truism to kids-- boys in school circa 1984 just wouldn't eat it.


It has long been a truism that a lot of internet leftists believe we're all victims of propaganda uncritically repeating what we're told because, well... look at them.


For those following along at home, I did call my congressperson and senator and got to speak to someone. Maybe they’re not inclined to care much, in a vacuum, but it’s a truism of politics that the electeds *do care* at least somewhat what their constituents (read: potential voters) think.


I guess it's true based on the "perception is reality" truism but I think it's more to do with aggressive American anti-Russian war propaganda.


Tell em the truism: you don't need drugs to appreciate Pink Floyd, you need Pink Floyd to appreciate drugs.


A classic and a truism.




This week I’m reading Notes on Complexity by Neil Theise and really enjoying it. These passages come at the end of part 2, wrapping up the section on how there are and aren’t boundaries between bodies. Link to info =

We arise, in every particular detail, however glorious or mundane, from the space-time fabric of the universe, via the quantum foam, and, ultimately, we subside back into it in the fullness of time.
If the universe is a unity, one vast holarchy of self-organizing complex systems, then we have to consider that what is true for any part is true for the whole. From this standpoint, every action we take, every decision we make, every thought we have, is not only our own—it is also an integrated, integral part of the whole holarchical universe. In this sense, when I raise a glass of water to drink, it is the universe that raises a glass of water. If I am alive, then the universe is alive. We are not merely separate, lonely, disconnected beings searching for meaning; moment by moment we are unique emergent expressions of the universe itself.
Casual generalizations about how we are all "one with the universe" are so common these days as to be trite. However easy it might be to thoughtlessly repeat that banal truism, though, it is in fact exceedingly difficult to intuit it directly, as a physical experience, not merely a belief. Our usual, habitual experiences of the material world and our Western cultural bias toward materialism—that the world is only its physical substance— continually push us in the other direction. But complexity the-ory, woven together with relativity and quantum mechanics, tells us a different story. Oneness is real and true. And while separation is also true, it is not any more true than oneness. They are a complementarity-each, though different, is equally indispensable for a full comprehension of reality. This conviction comes not only from a subset of philosophies, or from ancient religions, or from new age mystics, but from our modern, con-temporary, empirical sciences.

For awhile I'd have old SNL episodes on all the time and don't really go for "golden age cast" talks but I will say there is one truism: the cold opens age like milk and become downright inscrutable over time


That sounds like a truism. If you won't be able to pause your job to have a baby, that means having a baby would end your job and so you might not return to work or not join the workforce in the first place. Then we're back to women at home having 7 children.