From my mystery project first draft. #hockeyromance#tuesdayteaser

Then my phone rang, ripping through the silence.
Beast growled when he heard it. Reluctantly, I reached over to the table beside me and checked who was calling. 
Shit. It was my agent. I’d been hoping it was the marina saying my grocery order had arrived a little early. I was low on Beast’s favorite treats.
It rang again while I debated answering. Benny couldn’t fire me if he couldn’t reach me. But he could rip me a new one when he finally tracked me down. I swiped the green button.
As expected, he didn’t care for that greeting. “What the fuck kind of way is that to answer your phone?” Some agents were suave and sophisticated. Those agents had the clients that pulled in the big bucks. I had Benny.
Tuesday Teaser
Golden background , looking from cottage deck over lake

From the holiday WIP I'm working on. #authoraugust24#tuesdayteaser

I took another sip of wine while I thought. I totally blamed that for the words that came out of my mouth. “Clothes. We’re playing strip Jacks.”
He could have laughed. Made a joke. Instead, he sat perfectly still, only his eyes moving over what he could see of my body. Then he swallowed.
“Okay. Strip Jacks it is. Who goes first?”
Black background with gas fireplace, Author August 24 Tuesday Teaser

I'm writing this for a holiday romance while I roast in the Caribbean summer heat. However, years of Canadian winters, including 17 in Winnipeg give me lots of memories to draw on. #authoraugust24#tuesdayteaser

Snowy country road background
Maybe I was spoiled; I played in the top professional league of hockey which brought money and some celebrity, especially in Toronto. People knew my name, and I had fans who wore my jersey, but I’d never had someone so unhappy to help me out before. 
“You’re okay to do this?”
Wow, she could look even angrier. “No, I drove the truck out here because I’m useless.”
Author August 24
Tuesday Teaser

Here's how book 3 of the Toronto Blaze series opens. #authoraugust24#hockeyromance#tuesdayteaser

Picture of hockey skates in stall, Tuesday Teaser, Author August 24
The locker room was always crowded in the preseason. It was noisier too—players    chirping over each other while skates and sticks hit the floor. Also, lots of sweat. That was kind of gross, but it was part of the game. The air buzzed, with the bodies and noise and something that was just hockey.
I grinned, still standing in my skates, because this was fun.

From the third book in my hockey series, out in September. #tuesdayteaser#hockeyromance#secondchance

Background of word kiss in various sizes and colors Tuesday Teaser
“You want to kiss me?” 
He nodded. He wasn’t moving any longer, still and waiting. Like he was waiting for the puck to drop.
“Why?” I didn’t understand and my brain didn’t seem to be operating.
“Because I want to.” He paused, but yeah, my brain had skipped out. “I like being friends with you, but I want more. I have since I saw you again, but I thought I should show you that you could trust me again before I pushed you. But all this time, I’ve wanted more, and I need to know if that’s ever going to happen.”
“Really?” That came out in a squeak. Josh wanted more? This new, improved, more confident and successful version of my high school boyfriend was interested in the not- much- changed  math nerd that was me?
Not sure what was showing on my face, but he stepped around the counter, moving with slow steps till he was standing in front of me.
“I want you in my life. As a friend, if nothing else. But I really want more."

From the hockey WIP romance I'm currently working on. #tuesdayteaser#hockeyromance

Snowy mountain background
“Maybe it can. But you’ve put your love life on hold for long enough.”
	I tried to object, but he knew me too well. “You never tried that hard, Jess. If I was choosing, Denny’s not the guy I’d pick for you, but if he’s bringing out that daredevil side of you that’s been hiding for ten years? Maybe he is the right one.”
	I jolted. I’d been using that argument as a reason Alek was bad for me. “What do you mean?”
	“If we went up to Whistler to ski right now, what run would you take?”
	I opened my mouth, then swallowed. “I haven’t skied for years. I’m not the skier I used to be. It would be stupid to take a black diamond.”
	“I want back the sister who’d take the black diamond, rusty or not.”
	I closed my eyes and inhaled. “But taking risks is selfish, and jeopardizes other people.”
	“You could be a little more selfish. And life is risky. I hate that you’re afraid of that now.”
Tuesday Teaser

From Replay, coming out September, probably. #hockeyromance#tuesdayteaser#romancelandia

Picture of couple embracing.
I hadn’t known, back when we were in high school, that not all kisses would be like kisses with Katie. How do you know how good something is when you’ve had nothing to compare it to? Over the past five years I’d discovered it wasn’t easy to find what we had. Chemistry or pheromones or what the hell ever— - everything we did was just so good. I knew now that was a gift, not something you found often. Maybe only once.
Tuesday Teaser