Sim! Os dois cabeça dura 😂 Eu senti falta na novela, mostrar como o Diao é inteligente e sensato. Então, no começo eu achei que Yi era tutor do Diao, mas o Diao comparava o relacionamento deles com o dos LianKuea


You should listen to her tutor on her inability to listen and/or learn. Selectively deaf if it suited.


....That’s not true. I’m always grateful to you, Shino. Because you might be brusque, but you’re always kind. When I fell ill and was stuck in bed all day, or when I was feeling down because my tutor scolded me — you always brought me flowers and squirrels from the forest.


After a year as a university admissions tutor, I would like to argue that knowledge of the vast range of university entrance qualifications in the UK is hugely undervalued. I feel like I’ve cracked a complex, secret code and should be handsomely rewarded for it.


Galera se eu bater nesse tutor eu vou perder meu CRMV?


1840s/1850s Growing up comes with all sorts of challenges for young Margaret Law. Being a private tutor in Edinburgh is wonderful till it all ends in tragedy. What can she do now?


“Hola, soy vuestro tutor (2ºBach). Nos han puesto la hora de tutoría los viernes a 7ª, pero yo no pienso quedarme aquí a esa hora, así que si queréis algo me buscáis en un recreo” y otras formas de hundir la Ed. Pública desde dentro.


Ich bin Juniorprofessor für Wissensrepräsentation und Maschinelles Lernen an der Universität Bielefeld. Mein Hauptthema ist der Einsatz von maschinellem Lernen in der Bildung. Vor allem möchte ich mehr Unterstützung bei Hausaufgaben ermöglichen - so, wie sie von persönlichen Tutor*innen käme. (2/10)


Where the people on New Zealand money would sit on the political spectrum Kate Sheppard was a Christian Socialist. Sir Edmund Hillary backed pre-neoliberal Labour. Ernest Rutherford leaned anarchist due to his tutor. Sir Apirana Ngata leaned more conservative. Queen Elizabeth was a monarch. #Nzpol

A political compass chart showing New Zealand banknotes placed across different quadrants. The x-axis labels "Left" and "Right," while the y-axis labels "Authoritarian" at the top and "Libertarian" at the bottom. The banknotes are positioned as follows:

The $10 note with Kate Sheppard is in the upper left (Authoritarian Left).

The $5 note with Edmund Hillary is in the lower left (Libertarian Left).

The $100 note with Ernest Rutherford is in the lower left, but closer to the right (Libertarian Left, near center).

The $20 note with Queen Elizabeth II is in the upper right (Authoritarian Right).

The $50 note with Āpirana Ngata is in the upper right, slightly below Queen Elizabeth (Authoritarian Right).

4 horas com meu tutor hoje, vai ser dor e sofrimento viu 😍