UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANTS pay more taxes than donald trump


i know a lot of undocumented people where i live A LOT, yes sure some with fake BS SSN .... some without any, some without any form of papers, but many of them MANY OF THEM do pay Taxes and into SSA that they will NEVER EVER SEE A DIME from while others might. is that the job your are talking about


i will be voting for kamala to protect you and undocumented people like you.


I appreciate how the Times has changed the headline to "obsession" without changing the article's sanewashing of race pseudoscience as a "fascination with genetics", revealing that everybody who runs the Times shares that obsession and keep their junior […] [Original post on]


By Michael Gold, Oct. 9, 2024

Trump’s Remarks on Migrants Illustrate His Obsession With Genes

In discussing migrants and genes, the former president used language that reflected his decades-long belief that bloodlines determine a person’s capacity for success or violence.

With the presidential race in its closing weeks, Donald J. Trump’s language has grown increasingly strident on the issue of immigration. But as he continues to demonize undocumented migrants as violent criminals, the former president is also reviving another old habit: invoking his long-held fascination with genes and genetics.

They've already found out that at least some a those "undocumented" immigrants are, in fact, US citizens. This is standard Republican voter purging that they try before every election, an' the DOJ is right to sue 'em. But the mainstream news ain't touchin' this. 8/10


Second, the right-wing are up in arms cuz Biden's DOJ is suing Virginia just fer tryin' ta' purge undocumented immigrants off its votin' registration rolls! How dare! Yeah, that's not what's goin' on. 7/10


First, VP candidate and danger to furniture JD Vance got questioned in an interview with Martha Vegeta... sorry Martha Raddatz, over Trump's claims that undocumented immigrant gangs from Venezuela have taken over Aurora, Colorado. 2/10


You mean like this lead? Seems pretty on-target to me.

Former President Donald J. Trump escalated the nativist, anti-immigration rhetoric that has animated his political career with a speech Friday in Aurora, Colo., where he repeated false and grossly exaggerated claims about undocumented immigrants that local Republican officials have refuted.

The US approach of tolerating large scale undocumented immigration from nearby low/middle-income countries can also provide construction labor, but it doesn’t work well for building denser forms of housing, which tends to require more licensure, which is tough for undocumented immigrants to get


Racism is a big part of it. Obviously the division is not clear cut, but those who migrate to the US legally from Latin America are more likely to be from more affluent and more ethnically european as opposed to the undocumented who tend to be more economically desperate and darker skinned.