They Stole an Election”: Former Florida Senator Found Guilty in “Ghost Candidates” Scandal Frank Artiles’ legal saga helped expose a utility conglomerate’s political meddling.

“They stole an election”: Former Florida senator found guilty in “ghost candidates” scandal
“They stole an election”: Former Florida senator found guilty in “ghost candidates” scandal

Frank Artiles' legal saga helped expose a utility conglomerate's political meddling.


339. The total amount of utility-scale solar and wind, in gigawatts (GW), under construction in China June 2024, according to GEM. The number, comprising 180GW of solar and 159GW of wind, is nearly twice as much as the rest of the world combined, according to GEM’s latest updates./1


Not sure where you live but here, in the State of Victoria Australia, the State government has set up a renewables only public utility company to compete with the private suppliers. It's not full nationalisation but it's a positive move nevertheless


It has a lot of utility.


We were driving to Topsail NC before the storm and saw convoys of utility trucks on the way to pre position. Saw more on our way back north, after cancelling our plans through Ashville NC back to CA. Now in OH.


It has been exceptionally cool the past week what with the constant rain and our HVAC room is dry and toasty. And almost directly above that furnace kill switch was this!

Close-up view of not even half of a shed snake skin hanging from a wooden beam in a basement, surrounded by insulation and electrical wiring. The translucent skin is delicately textured and dangles against a backdrop of yellow insulation material, adding a natural element to the utility space. And also there is a big fucking snake who lives in our house now wtaf.

Here’s a pic of the space look straight at the light switch. Can you zoom in and find the culprit?

A cramped utility space in a basement showing various water treatment and heating equipment. On the left is a white dehumidifier mounted on the wall. Centered in the image is a large white water softener tank labeled beside another device with digital readings. The area is framed by wooden beams and insulated walls, with visible plumbing and electrical wiring, creating a functional yet crowded setting.

It sounds exactly like you're questioning whether an accessibility tool has value to enough people to make it worthwhile to do. And keeping in mind that I read the part where you also were skeptical of its utility for visual arts, you kind of did that to yourself.


“A just society can’t be achieved simply by maximizing utility or by securing freedom of choice. To achieve a just society we have to reason together about the meaning of the good life, and to create a public culture hospitable to the disagreements that will inevitably arise.”