Project 2025 seeks to use US foreign aid to promote conservative cultural goals globally, tying assistance to restrictions on abortion & halting climate initiative funding. Jeremy Konyndyk warns this focus may align US with authoritarian regimes worldwide

‘This is not trivial stuff’: Project 2025’s plan to ally the U.S. with authoritarians worldwide
‘This is not trivial stuff’: Project 2025’s plan to ally the U.S. with authoritarians worldwide

Project 2025 intends to use U.S. foreign assistance programs to push conservative culture wars worldwide, conditioning aid on restricting abortion and pulling all funding for climate change. Jeremy Ko...


At least it isn't Chris Jansing. She really complained about having to the work the weekend once. I will listen to Velshi via podcast on the weekends. I can't stomach too much MSNBC. 😋


A strong American EV market needs both “defense & offense” according to U.S. Trade Representative, Amb. Katherine Tai. After the U.S. levied a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, Tai says, “the defense is tariffs,” and the offense is “the investments we’re making.”

‘We are at an inflection point’: U.S. Trade Rep. on new Biden Admin tariffs on Chinese EVs
‘We are at an inflection point’: U.S. Trade Rep. on new Biden Admin tariffs on Chinese EVs

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai talks about the highwire balancing act between trade policy that helps consumers and hurts workers. With a growing, inexpensive EV market emerging from China, t...


“There's an overwhelming consensus that trickle down just doesn’t work," says U.S. Trade Rep., Amb. Katherine Tai. Tariffs (when used properly) and trade can - and must be - "part of a strategy for growing the middle class and empowering the working class."

‘Trickle down just doesn’t work’: The truth about tariffs and when they’re actually useful
‘Trickle down just doesn’t work’: The truth about tariffs and when they’re actually useful

There’s been a lot of talk about tariffs lately, but some of it can be misleading. “Our trade policy is working in tandem with our other economic policies,” says the Biden Administration’s U.S. Trade ...


Velshi should have got Maddow's job. They ruined MSNBC.


“It is not a protection of family values to deny women the right to the healthcare that they need,” says Sarah Elaine Harrison. No matter the reason someone seeks an abortion, “it is not a question for the rest of the world to judge.”

It ‘was to support my family’: why Abortion, no matter the reason, is healthcare.
It ‘was to support my family’: why Abortion, no matter the reason, is healthcare.

In the two years since the Dobbs decision, we’ve heard stories from across the nation of women whose health and lives have been endangered by abortion bans. Whether they need abortion care for a misca...