It’s a little slow going up on Shetland due to the ‘fine’ weather. Highlights so far: Pechora Pipit, Red-backed Shrike, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Bluethroat, Barred Warbler, Pallas’s Warbler, many Yellow-browed Warblers & Common Rosefinch. đŸȘ¶ #ukbirds#ukbirding#shetlandbirding#autumnbirding


today I saw a golden-crowned kinglet in the wild for the first time, but it was dead on the sidewalk. it's the bird that is my next goal in the taxidermy lab because its very small, even smaller than the warblers I've been working on. if I was superstitious idk if that would be a good or bad sign


The neighbourhood is full of yellow-rumped warblers (butterbutts) these days. It's great to be in a place where I can see birds in their spring fancy-pants (pic 1) and in their more subdued fall fashions (pics 2 & 3). Still cute! #birds

Black and grey and white bird with very bright yellow patches on its side and the top of its head. Bird is standing on the lip of a stone bird bath facing right
Close-up of subtle grey bird with pale yellow armpit patches and Buffy wing bars
Looking up at a plain olive-grey bird with pale yellow armpit patches, perched on an electrical cable. Background is green and white bokeh

Nashville Warblers are delightful pops of sunshine, especially on gloomy days (it was one such day when this photo was taken.)


Northern Parula warblers checking out an Autumn Olive for things to eat as they migrate through Michigan. They do not breed around the Great Lakes but breed south and north of this area; Usnea lichens in the north for nesting. Industrial air pollutants killed off Usnea lichens around the Great Lakes


Warblers are often overlooked, but this is an example of how colorful they can be.


Gwendreath Valley to Kennack Sands: 9 Firecrests, Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Willow Warblers. Lizard Village: 2 Wheatears, 2 Choughs, 1 female/1st w Whinchat, and ROSY STARLING still. #UKbirding


Today was the first of a few days birding on Shetland, and almost every place we went to had Yellow-browed Warblers.


My role at the station was checking a third of the nets we had out and carefully extracting the birds that were caught I was checking my (empty) nets when I got a call that the crew needed my help with 30 (!) warblers in their net, raced through the trees and apparently stabbed my calf on a stick


Two weekends ago we got slammed by migrating warblers at the banding station, heavenly but chaotic At the same site this weekend? Same thing— almost all new birds! Bay-breasted, Ovenbird, Black-throated Green, Yellow-rumped, Cape May, Blackpoll, Nashville, Tennessee, Magnolia, Hooded, Am. Redstart

Bay-breasted Warbler held my a researcher. The bird is like green with a black and white tail and wings
Ovenbird held by a researcher. The bird is green-brown with white below and black stripes on the chest and belly
Black-throated Green Warbler held by a researcher. The bird is olive green with yellow stripes on the face, black wings and tail, and white wing bars
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle type, held by a researcher. The bird is brown gray with gray wings and tail and yellow armpits