🎞️ New video! R.O.B. the Robot's secret command, the mystery of WarioWorld .com and more on a new episode of Useless Nintendo Trivia!


All the handheld Warioland games are amazing and WarioWorld on the GameCube was very fun but then Nintendo was like minigames. Wario only gets mini games. And I don't care for it.


I just watched the WarioWorld commercial. My constant references to **that** SNL skit are really hitting hard now.


"Now it s time to..." Technically I'm supposed to post it during the anniversary, even though it actually celebrates 30 years here, but I like it too much, so here's an exception. 23.10.22 #wario#warioland#warioworld#warioware#supermarioland2

0 was a site used by Nintendo of America for many years as a hub for developers and publishers. The image below details its history and surprising usage of the name "WarioWorld" before the game of that name, as well as connecting Wario to game development before the WarioWare series.

In 1997, Nintendo of America registered the domain to serve as a hub
for developers and publishers working with Nintendo hardware. Very little is known about
how the site looked, as the only publicly available page was the login page, and all
other pages were only accessible to registered members. The site was revamped in early 2016 - From then onward, the URL redirects to Nintendo's current developer portal, What is bizarre about the site is the choice of Wario as a mascot and Wario World as the name. While this makes sense in retrospect: Wario World is a real game, and Wario is a game developer in the WarioWare series, neither of those existed in 1997, with both Wario World and the first WarioWare only releasing in 2003. It is exceedingly unlikely
either of these games were even in the concept stage at that point, possibly making the site's name and mascot an incredible coincidence that predicted two separate games years before release.

humanized Black Jewel from Warioworld.