“Look for global risks to be further exacerbated by unexpected, destabilizing shock events,” warned WEF. Perhaps the most concerning line in the article is in reference to intentional cybersecurity attacks.


I appreciate your lack of desire to engage with them, I would have felt the same, but I would have been tempted to wind them up by saying it's a WEF scheme to get everyone running more quickly as those who are the fastest have the largest 15 minute radius. 😆


Both Labor and the LNP in #Queensland#WEF#ParisAgreement#NetZero carbon by 2050. Absolutely dinki-di madness which will destroy biology as much as it will destroy economies. Something for QLD voters to THINK ABOUT. I am voting ONE NATION.


pra isso, tiraram o Lula da cadeia. Achei interessante ele contestar o poder das nacoes unidas quando recebeu, por maos de bill gates, um premio com o simbolo do forum economico mundial (WEF). Penso que ele nao se deu conta na merda em que se meteu. Por coincidencia deu pane no aviao. Vai saber.


#sciencefiction#nasa 5,000 years later they come back & attack the primitive human stragglers surviving on a desolate nuclear devastated Earth 😂 Thanks to NATO, China, Hinduphobic, Obimbo-Dubya-BinLaden-Baiden-Putin-convertMuslims, Oil lobby, Clubba Rome, WEF, Climate Deniers, Fakebook, etc 😂


Zitat aus dem Artikel: »Das WEF kündigte daher an, eine globale Allianz für die Gesundheit von Frauen zu starten. Für das Bündnis wurden demnach 55 Millionen Dollar zugesagt.« ... finde das muss noch ergänzt werden. Immerhin.


Look what has happened 2 Amreeki society after Amreeka moved all factories 2 China beginning in the 1990s. Look at Amreeka today. The same thing is going 2 happen 2 Germany & Western EU in the next 5-10 yrs (if Helmet, Merkel, Lyon & MEPs continue 2 live in their WEF delusional haze 😊)


Kom en studie från WEF för ett gäng år sedan som visade att den industriella överskottsvärmen täcker Europas hela värmebehov. Vi behöver bara koppla ihop systemen.