Taken a few weeks ago, family of mute swans at #nationaltrust#WickenFen

Adult mute swan and 5 cygnets on the water

Over the years I've enjoyed many big nights out with multiple light traps. One of my favourites was at Wicken Fen with the late Adrian Russell and Ron Follows on 28/06/2009. We ran 17 traps + a tripod light. Trap emptying on this scale should be an Olympic event. 4279 of 257sp. #teammoth#wickenfen

Preparing to start the mammoth task of trap emptying. Traps collected at first light and brought back to a central point, kettle on the go for coffee, pasting table emptying station ready. Adrian pondering on which trap to empty first. That camping stove also used for bacon sarnies to keep us going.
Emptying one full trap can be a lengthy process on a good night. Emptying 17 takes hours even when doubling up! Using a dictaphone rather than scribing in a book helps, but still not far off midday by the time we'd packed up and were ready to go. Traps held in cool shade and funnels blocked whilst in queue.

Natural herd dynamics visit at #WickenFen#Nationaltrust#rewildingbritain#LadywalkNR we have lots of potential plans …..