Smaugust 2024 challenge, day 22: "Misshapen" Based on a comic I drew months ago and never published. #WingsOfFire#wof#dragon#wofCarnelian#wofBigtail#wofMoonwatcher#wofKinkajou (prompt sheet by Pencilcat)

A comic featuring Carnelian the Skywing and Bigtail the Nightwing in a non-descript location. Bigtail calls out to Carnelian from behind, holding a lumpy clay figurine of a dragon. Carnelian turns around and asks him what he wants, to which he informs her that he has a present for her.

The next panel shows a close-up of the lumpy clay dragon. Carnelian wants to know what it is, and Bigtail replies that it is supposed to be her. Incredulously, Carnelian wants to know why it looks so stupid, so Bigtail tells her that the wings accidentally came off during the firing. Carnelian seems unimpressed with his explanation, but gives up arguing about it.

The scene returns to both of them standing in front of each other, conversing. Bigtail further explains that the head of the figurine can be taken off to reveal a hidden compartment for drinks. Carnelian, aghast, wonders if he is being serious, but Bigtail is preoccupied with musing that Starflight will never catch them now.
A rudimentary comic featuring Carnelian the Skywing and Bigtail the Nightwing in a non-descript location. Bigtail calls out to Carnelian from behind, holding a lumpy clay figurine of a dragon. Carnelian turns around and asks him what he wants, to which he informs her that he has a present for her.

The next panel shows a close-up of the lumpy clay dragon. Carnelian wants to know what it is, and Bigtail replies that it is supposed to be her. Incredulously, Carnelian wants to know why it looks so stupid, so Bigtail tells her that the wings accidentally came off during the firing. Carnelian seems unimpressed with his explanation, but gives up arguing about it.

The scene returns to both of them standing in front of each other, conversing. Bigtail further explains that the head of the figurine can be taken off to reveal a hidden compartment for drinks. Carnelian, aghast, wonders if he is being serious, but Bigtail is preoccupied with musing that Starflight will never catch them now.
A rudimentary comic featuring Carnelian the Skywing, Kinkajou the Rainwing, and Moonwatcher the Nightwing (implied). Carnelian is lying on her bed reading a scroll while Kinkajou is having a noisy but nondescript conversation with an off-panel Moonwatcher ("Blah blah blah"). After a moment Carnelian looks up nervously and reaches for the misshapen dragon figurine flask Bigtail gifted her earlier, which is sitting on a shelf next to her. She holds up the scroll she is reading to block the other two occupants of the room from seeing her face, then takes a drink from the flask.
A rudimentary comic featuring Carnelian the Skywing, Kinkajou the Rainwing, and Moonwatcher the Nightwing. Kinkajou notices Carnelian drinking from the flask in secret and gets right in her face about it, eagerly demanding to know what she just drank. Carnelian denies having drunk anything, but Moonwatcher, through her superior Nightwing sense of smell, catches the scent in the air and identifies it as a "really fruity and sweet" cherry banana juice. Kinkajou is elated by this news, exclaiming that Carnelian has a sweet tooth. Carnelian denies it and asserts that she is a badass who doesn't like sweet drinks and is actually drinking hard liquor. Kinkajou doesn't buy it and calls her a sweetie, which elicits an impotent threat of violence.

Smaugust 2024 challenge, day 20: "Levitate" #WingsOfFire#wof#dragon#wofSiamang#wofCarnelian#wofBigtail (prompt sheet by Pencilcat)

A scene featuring Siamang the Rainwing, Carnelian the Skywing, and Bigtail the Nightwing. Siamang is to the left, scales color-shifted to be invisible. A hot dog sits upon the Rainwing's head, making it look like it is floating. Bigtail observes this spectacle from the right and is utterly gobsmacked at the apparently magic sausage in a bun. Carnelian meanwhile looms in the back, a talon raised to her head. She calls Bigtail an idiot as the Nightwing wonders loudly how the levitating hot dog functions.