Happy Monday ducks. I hope that today, whenever it is on the clock as you're reading this, is a good day for you and it's the start of a lovely week. May supportive people and good things find you, and troubles lose their way. You've got this. 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .
a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .

ALT: a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .


Happy Saturday ducks. I hope you know that you are fantastic -- and I'm here to confirm and/or remind you this is the case. I hope that whatever you find yourself getting up to today, whether it's work or play, busy or quiet, that you have some time to bop. Enjoy 🫶🏼 ☀️🐧 #workpenguin

a cartoon penguin wearing a red hat and a blue scarf
a cartoon penguin wearing a red hat and a blue scarf

ALT: a cartoon penguin wearing a red hat and a blue scarf


Happy Friday ducks. I've a day of relaxation planned, as well as seeing some family who are coming in to visit me, and I hope that you have a day that has some relaxation and you get to interact with people who think you're swell (I do! So you already have one 🥰) Mwah ☀️🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a bear hat with the words happy friday
a penguin wearing a bear hat with the words happy friday

ALT: a penguin wearing a bear hat with the words happy friday


Happy Thursday ducks. My work event is done, I'm home & it's time to let myself recharge and send out encouragement to you🫶🏼 I hope that today gives you the opportunity to catch your breath and recharge,too, and that the people you encounter lift you up. You've got this ☀️🐧 #workpenguin


Happy Midweek ducks! I just realized that I've not done penguin wishes for *days*. I didn't want to go that long - I've missed you 🩵 I hope this week the people & things in it have been treating you kindly and I hope that continues thru the rest of this week 🫶🏼 I'm home tonight! 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .
a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .

ALT: a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .


Happy Friday ducks! I'm off to the airport and at a work conference until Wednesday -- the finish line is in view! I hope that you have a delightful day and weekend that's filled with good things and people. And I hope you have a chance to relax & recharge (do it for me!) Mwah! 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a top hat and a briefcase
a penguin wearing a top hat and a briefcase

ALT: a penguin wearing a top hat and a briefcase


Happy Thursday ducks. It's been a long and busy week so far and I have 7 in a row to go, but the finish line is in sight 🏃🏼‍➡️ Thank you for being you and I hope that you have good things and supportive people around you and that your day and week are a bop 🫶🏼 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a hat and scarf is holding a briefcase
a penguin wearing a hat and scarf is holding a briefcase

ALT: a penguin wearing a hat and scarf is holding a briefcase


Happy Monday ducks. I hope that today is the start of a great week and I hope that there are supportive people + good things and opportunities presented (hee) to you. I hope you have more reasons to smile than not, and may today be a bop! This birthday girl demands it 🫶🏼 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin is sticking its head out of a pink box with hearts around it
a penguin is sticking its head out of a pink box with hearts around it

ALT: a penguin is sticking its head out of a pink box with hearts around it


Happy Saturday ducks I had a bit of a lazy morning and then *poof* I had plans and things to do and it's already midday here (and it's Sunday for some of you) so as I'm commuting to my next appt I'm here to say I am wishing you good things and delight. You deserve it 🫶🏼 ☀️🐧 #workpenguin

a polar bear wearing sunglasses is laying in a hammock on a beach
a polar bear wearing sunglasses is laying in a hammock on a beach

ALT: a polar bear wearing sunglasses is laying in a hammock on a beach


And follow up to last post Happy Thursday ducks. Getting into real crunch time here so I'll probably be more post-and-run, but I'll always be here at least to send you wishes for the day & hope that you have the people, space, and time (and hydration!) you need 🫶🏼 Mwah! 💼🐧 #workpenguin

a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .
a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .

ALT: a penguin wearing a top hat and carrying a briefcase is standing in the snow .