Huh, so I can finally put a face to the name. Its not what I expected but now that I've seen him: its perfect. Def. channeling Yosimite Sam. couldn't ya picture him "Yeehawing" while shooting a couple guns at the sky. Hah, hes a caricature


Lupines cover a small hill on a glorious summer day in Yosemite National Park in California. And yes, there were plenty of bees around when I made this photograph! See more photographs and stories at

Purple Lupines cover a hillside. The flowers cover a small hill on left side of the image; the hill slopes down and to the right. 

Behind the lupines tall pine trees reach toward the sky. Some of the trees go out of the frame at the top.

Behind the trees are distant hills and above them is a blue sky with big cumulous clouds. It is more cloudy on the left side than on the right.

I do in my heart but not in my knees. I saw Yosimite from the flat parts. 🥾