"o sister" - explicit / CNTW / 1.9k - #ysaylewol - dubcon / temperature play / femslash - i love a beautiful elf woman

Ao3 preview for Ysayle/Wol fic "o sister" FFXIV fic

Additional tags: POV Second Person, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Drugged Sex, Dubious Consent, Temperature Play, Magical Strap-On, Unnamed Warrior of Light, Female Warrior of Light, Noncontober 

Summary: From the censer billows a thick and fragrant smoke; whatever it is they burn, it is unfamiliar, sweet and slightly spiced and the longer you breathe it in the heavier your lids grow.

You should go, you think. You should turn back and stagger up the stairs before you’re discovered, back to the open expanse of bitter cold and fresh air. But your limbs are already clumsy from the heady, lingering incense, and they refuse to obey you.