Ich war die letzten drei Tage mit meinem -Projekt als Ausstellerin auf der Between Books in der Kunsthalle Düsseldorf und es war so cool! 🩷 So viele tolle Zinemaker getroffen und mit Menschen über Zines gequatscht – bin komplett leer geredet. 🪫

Fotocollage: Portraitfoto von Jenni, daneben ein Tisch voller Zines
Foto: Ein Tisch voller Zines
Foto: Eine Hand hält ein Zine mit dem Titel „Visitenkarten Zine: Hi, ich bin Jenni!“
Foto: Abgedeckter Messestand

oh many that's totally what i should do. i have a friend who is a zinemaker...oh many that's totally what i should do. i have a friend who is a zinemaker...


If you are a Black zinemaker and you reached out to me late last year when I posted about a potential event, I will be back in touch with you in two weeks with details. We have a date, a venue, and am just working on a few final details.


ZineWriMo prompts by seagreenzines for for zine-making inspiration this month (

ZineWrimo 2023
1 - Brainstorms & Thought Gardens - Come up with ideas for this month 2 - Plan It Out - Make a plan/set your goals for ZineWrimo 2023
3 - Prep Time! Fold your mini-zines, get your supplies ready, create your playlists
4 - Make a Zine: Meet the Zinemaker! Make a zine introducing yourself 
5 - Lightbulb Moments - Share your zine ideas book/ idea file/ Notion /etc 
6- Try It Out - Try some stream of consciousness writing 
7-1000 Words Take and share some pictures for visual zine inspiration 
8- Work In Progress Wednesday
9 - Support Zinemakers Day - Buy/share/review a zine
10 - Friday Night Highlights - Show off your work(s) in progress 
II - Make a Zine: Self Care - Whatever self-care means to you 
12 - Creative Spaces - Show/share your favourite place(s) to get creative 
13 Try It Out - Blackout Poetry
14 - Set Your Zine(s) Free - Online, offline, both... Let those zines

Should probably do one of them introduction things again eh? Hi, I'm Jake, I'm a comics artist/writer and zinemaker from Scotland. I live in Orkney, which is in the middle of the sea. If you wanna check out my books, you can find them here:

JakeParappaHainey - Comics, Art & Sexy Birds - Etsy
JakeParappaHainey - Comics, Art & Sexy Birds - Etsy

Shop Comics, art & sexy birds by JakeParappaHainey located in Glasgow, United Kingdom.


zinemaker and comics type! mostly non-fiction, autobio stuff. i have a lot of comics about my dogs farting. patreon is too

single panel comic of Finn laying flat with a can of soda on him. Ronnie is posing above him. text reads "what a surface"
multi-panel comic of Marcie nudging the doornob, being impatient, farting.
a zine called hatpin peril (a brief, yet empowering time)
a zine called the matilda effect about alice hamilton

i’m a collagist, multidisciplinary artist, zinemaker, small publisher and graphic designer! i make a new zine every month that you can subscribe to & get in the mail, and am available for commissions and other creative projects