But I didn't say that. I said "leftist AIPAC tunnel vision," referring specifically to leftists who focus exclusively on AIPAC when we talk about Zionism in US politics. I don't know what you call focusing on only one part of something to the exclusion multiple parts *other* than "tunnel vision."


When ppl talk about Biden's Zionism they say he's just passionate,others say he seems 2 have an inherent hatred of Palestinians and they piled on 4 saying but it's over a year now and he doesn't have his well known patented empathy for them and seeing stuff like this adds to the claim of his hatred

Biden's 2020 platform blaming Palestinians for occupation

they're Evangelical Christofascists more than they're Zionists, but they use Zionism cynically. They're extremely antisemitic.


Zionism is settler colonialism greatly inspired by the colonization of Turtle Island

A flyer/poster/ad for settlers to "buy Indian land"
A flyer/ad for settlers to buy land in "Israel" 

(I put it in quotes bc it's Palestine not Israel)

@MiddleEastEye: "Zionism is an existential threat to Muslims in America because it primarily relies on anti-Islamic tropes and exploits the levers of power to criminalise and silence support for Palestine" - Tom Facchine, American Imam


"Pilgrim Fathers, the first real pioneers of North America, were people of the highest morality, who did not want to do harm to anyone, least of all to the Red Indians." and they say the IOF are the "Most moral army in the world." This is zionism. This is so-called morality to them.


zionism = hell in earth


📊🇮🇱 Para efeitos de comparação, o atual governo de Israel está um pouco acima da maioria de 61 assentos no Parlamento Netanyahu, para sustentar seu governo, aliou o Likud com partidos nacionalistas com o Partido Religioso Sionista (Mafdal-Religious Zionism) e Judaísmo Unido da Torá (Yahadut HaTorah)


well, a huge portion of zionists are evangelical christians who explicitly believe zionism is necessary to trigger the 2nd coming of christ, in which jewish people will be punished and sent to hell because they aren’t christian. so yeah there is an antisemitic angle to zionism.