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Twitter refugee, Nola, she/her, cat lady
94 followers147 following90 posts
Reposted by Popchinski

How many books should I take on holiday with me? (For Guardian Books)

Title: How many books should I take on holiday with me?
Image: A seemingly helpful flowchart that begins with the the question "Have you got a book in your suitcase" but soon becomes a recursive loop causing the reader to put an ever-increasing quantity of books into larger and larger suitcases.
Reposted by Popchinski

A while back, I read about a nasty campaign against Bluestockings bookstore from some of their neighbors. So I sat down with one of the store's worker-owners to find out how they're holding up -- and to learn more about how YOU can support queer/feminist bookstores.

Bluestockings Is Reinventing the Radical Bookstore. You Can Help!
Bluestockings Is Reinventing the Radical Bookstore. You Can Help!

I’ve written before about why bookstores are more than just excellent places to discover your new favorite author. They’re also community spaces and key...

Reposted by Popchinski

*taps the sign* Molly Ivins in Mother Jones, 1993:

So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was.

I don’t use it much here, it’s hard to follow, don’t love the threads situation, feel like I see accounts I don’t follow more than those I do. #oldDogNewTricks


I know I know I should get off Twitter. But NolaTwitter is my community. Just got a suspension for saying I hope someone got hit in the ass on his way out the door. Because that’s violent 😆🥴🤣

Reposted by Popchinski
Reposted by Popchinski

It sure is getting warmer here in my neck of the urban woods in North Carolina, like many other places. To find a "Show Us Your Stripes" graphic for cities near you in the U.S., go here:

A graphic with a series of vertical stripes in shades of blue or red, in the “Warming Stripes” style from Climate Central, shows temperature anomalies relative to 20th-century average (1901-2000), covering the period from 1887-2023 for the Raleigh-Durham area. There is a dense band of red stripes towards the right-hand edge of the graph, for the most recent years, showing how much hotter average temperatures have been lately.

Boops to James.

Reposted by Popchinski

It's stupid and cruel to prosecute someone for a victimless crime they committed while addicted, especially after they've rehabilitated. And any system that allows that doesn't deserve much respect. But otherwise, yeah.

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Twitter refugee, Nola, she/her, cat lady
94 followers147 following90 posts